"je serai poète et toi poésie"


at first, i thought i was certain about a lot of things. i thought nothing would ever be as beautiful as the night sky. i thought no walking creature could possibly take my breath away like the sunset did. i thought i had been in love. but then i met her. i'm not sure of much anymore, but one thing i know: i love her. i love her so much i would die just to let her know how beautiful she truly is. i love her smile, her body, the sound of her voice, and all the things she hates so much about herself. i'm fascinated by every imaginable detail about her. i could never truly wrap my mind around the concept of having found someone so profoundly beautiful in every sense of the word and so infinitely complex yet so transparent i swear i could unravel the enigmas of her soul at the mere lock of an eye. i wonder what i could’ve done to deserve her.

being honest, i think about you a lot. all the time, actually. morning, night. from sunrise to sunset. dusk till dawn. it's always just you.


mar 31 2017 ∞
oct 21 2017 +