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i like to blow bubbles and make lists.

somewhere in asia there is a photograph of me doing a headstand in front of st. peter's.

  • A couple of weeks ago, our school librarians upped the ante when it came to getting girls to read. Their solution? Print out a life-sized Edward Cullen with a speachbubble saying 'Yes, you CAN borrow out books for the holidays." The next day, we came back to find that someone had stuck a Hufflepuff badge on him. The day after it was a sticker that said 'HI! My Name Is ... Cedric'. On Wednesday, I came in to find a yellow and black scarf around his neck. The culprit? My best friend. MLIA.
  • Today, I was taking a nap. I awoke to my 20 year old brother bursting into my room screaming "Troll in the dungeon!! TROLL!! In the dungeon...thought you'd want to know..." then proceeding to collapse onto my bed. Glad that degree in Computer Engineering is getting him somewhere. MLIA.
  • Today I was late for school. The guy on the late sheet before me put 'saving the world' as his excuse so i wrote 'destroying the world' as mine. I came in later and the next person had writen ' I was an innocent bystander, it was epic'. I love my school. MLIA
  • Today, I went to the bookstore and was disappointed to find there were no Harry Potter books in stock. Instead, there was the entire Twilight series where Harry Potter should've been. I opened the book and began to read, only to find it was Harry Potter and someone had switched the covers to trick people into reading them. Well played bookstore, well played. MLIA
  • Today at work, I was in drive thru taking orders. I didn't realize the intercom was on when I breathed all heavy and said, "Luke I am your father." The guy at the drive thru said, "Can I have free food dad." MLIA
  • Today, I walked past a bike shop. No one was inside, except for the store owner. When I looked in the window, he was riding around in circles on a giant tricycle. MLIA.
  • Today, my parents came home with a new 40 inch TV. Instead of making an 'epic fort' with the box we put my ten year old cousin in it and duct taped it shut. MLIA.
  • Today, my brother tried to slap me at the same time I tried to hit him. We high-fived. MLIA.
  • Last week, I was running the mile with my gym class. I was really worn out, but I took a deep breath and screamed as loudly as I could "FOR NARNIAAAAAA!!" and started sprinting. As I passed several people, and got several strange faces, I heard a voice behind me scream "HAIL ASLAN!!" Hello, new best friend. MLIA
  • Today, I cleaned out our cupboards with boxes of cereal. I took out the plastic bags and kept the boxes. I then started to build a city out of the boxes. Then, I spent the next half an hour destroying the city by stomping on it and acting like a dinosaur, with all sound effects, along with people screaming, included, instead of writing an essay that's due tomorrow. Day well spent. MLIA
  • Today, I got a huge bruise on my leg. Whoever said sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me obviously has never been attacked by a dictionary. MLIA.
  • Today, I was drving home and I stopped to let a man on a unicycle cross the street. It was 11:00 at night. MLIA
  • Today I realized something. Once the last Harry Potter movie comes on DVD, that's the end of Harry Potter. If they follow their schedule's correctly, this should happen around 2012. The end of Harry Potter means the end of the world. MLIA

The other day I walked into my gym's pool early in the morning, hoping I would be the only person in the pool. As I rounded the corner of the locker room, I saw the lifeguard riding the squeegy like a broom and shouting Harry Potter spells. He indeed thought he was alone until I came walking in. I think I've found my new best friend. MLIA

  • Today, I was sitting at a red light behind another car. Front and back passenger side doors opened and two people got out. I thought they were switching seats until they broke out into a mini dance party then quickly got back in the car. I secretly wished I had been invited to their dance party. MLIA
  • Earlier today, I looked outside the window and thought I saw the batman signal. I quickly raced outside, only to discover it was the moon. I felt completely ridiculous until I saw my neighbor walking home sullenly and dressed in his Robin costume. MLIA
  • Today i saw a bike gang. On unicycles. MLIA
  • Today, in art history class, a guy's cell phone rang. When he picked it up, he exclaimed "Gotham's in trouble? Ok I'll be right there!" and ripped off his shirt, revealing a super man costume. When he was about to run out the door, my teacher said "Ryan, sit back down. You are not superman. Besides, Gotham is where batman lives. Next time you disrupt my class, think of something more original, or at least get it right," and continued lecturing. MLIA
dec 23 2009 ∞
dec 30 2009 +