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That's right, its the fictional character shag list!

  • 1.Hermione Granger

Smart, talented, kinda arrogant, and I totally understand her hair problem.

  • 2. Martha Jones/Amy Pond

The two sexiest female companions ever on Doctor Who. Hands down.

  • 3. Draco/Lucius Malfoy

What can I say. They are THE blondes. Lucius' hair is glorious.

  • 4. Spike

Yeah, blonde, sexy, and a vampire? Its a trend. I'd sleep with Buffy too, but that would result in way too many psychological issues to be worth it. Plus we know he has a sensitive side, even without the stupid soul- aka his brotherly love for Dawn.

  • 5. Robert Chase

Oh, Chase, so adorable, so silly, so such a suck up. So so much better before the fifth season's fuck up.

  • 6. Jack Harkness

The sexiest male companion ever on Doctor Who.

  • 7. Haruka Tenoh/Minako Aino

Sailor Moon, I know, anime, I'm weird, but you have to admit that these are two really pretty, really kickass girls. Haruka is basically a boy with the way she acts and dresses, but Minako is the epitome of sexy diva.

  • 8. Lestat/Armand

I don't care that they are vicious fiends, or that they are not prettily heart broken like Louis, I still think they are the fucking sex.

  • 9. Arthur

No, not the Aardvark, the King. He qualifies for this list only because I'm talking about a specific King Arthur, from BBC's Merlin. I would then proceed to sleep with Morgana as well. I would sleep with the guy who plays Merlin (Colin Morgan) except for the haircut they gave him, which is hideous. I'd sleep with him as Jethro in Doctor Who though.

  • 10. Maxxie

The blonde from Skins. So incredibly sexy it is unbelievable. And he DANCES LIKE NO OTHER!

There are a few other people who tried to make it onto the list such as Doctors 10 and 11 (turned down for emotional incompetency), Snape, Jack Sparrow, Ianto (from Torchwood), Sherlock Holmes, Selene (from Underworld) and Eric (from TrueBlood), but that up there is the top ten.

Pics of them all-

jul 16 2010 ∞
jul 16 2010 +