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i'm petite with a big heart and bigger dreams. here's a place to pen/store my favourite places + people + things (on the web and in real life).

if you know me, do pop by facebook!
for pictures i adore, head to my tumblr!
sorry, but my twitter + livejournal are locked.

listography NEW NEWS

\\\ []

1010 [] / 500 pencils [] / 99 rooms []

a 20 year old model photographed as if she were 10/20/30/40/50/60 years old [] / aaron ruell [] / albin holmqvist [] / anastassia elias [] / alain delorme [] / alicja kwade [] / andere monjo [] / andrew b myers [] / andy gilmore [] / ann he [] / anne lorenz [] / anouk wipprecht [] / agustina woodgate [] / architizer []

bank of imagination [] / bawkbawkbawk [] / bcxsy [] / berber soepboer [] / bernat fortet unanue [] / beth evans [] / beth hoeckel [] / bianca chang []

camilla Åkrans [] / cargo colletive [] / carl kleiner [] / chair blog [] / charlotte boeyden [] / christien meindertsma [] / claire-anne o'brien [] / color me katie [] / cookie boy [] / cool hunting [] / cristian zuzunaga [] / css zen garden []

david maisel [] / dezeen [] / ditte isager [] / djurdjica kesic []

echoism [] / ed bing lee [] / elinor voytal [] / eloise corr danch [] / emilie voirin [] / engrave your book [] / everynone []

fabrican [] / favela painting [] / ferm living [] / flipflop i was [] / free time [] / freitag []

gemma booth [] / glimpt [] / gustav johansson []

hafsteinn juliusson [] / henry mccausland []

ian addison hall [] / indexhibit [] / irina werning []

j1 studio [] / jacqueline di milia [] / jazmin berakha [] / joe kievitt [] / johan thörnqvist [] / johann besse [] / johnny miller [] / jon klassen [] / jonathon kambouris [] / julia krantz []

katarina voloder [] / katrin schacke [] / kawashima kotori [] / kim welling [] / klaus bürgel [] / kyung woo han []

lany dafter [] / learn something everyday [] / leontjew [] / lenne kewispelwey [] / li hui [] / livia marin [] / lucas simões []

made [] / makedo [] / makoto hada [] / marc johns [] / marcin gruner [] / margaret durow [] / marina aurora [] / mark leibowitz [] / mashiro chatani [] / matt niebuhr [] / matthias heiderich [] / maximo riera [] / metsa [] / mila's daydreams [] / mischer traxler [] / misha kahn [] / mr dashing []

nadav kander [] / nendo [] / nina lindgren [] / nobody here []

one charming party [] / osamu yokonami [] / out my window []

patterns of infinity [] / peter callesen [] / photojojo [] / pia ulin [] / poketo [] / post-vernissage [] / present&correct []

rachel bee porter [] / rachel de joode [] / raised as a pack of wolves [] / recreate [] / ribbonesia []

sanctucci & co. [] / seung yong song [] / shoebox auction & exhibition [] / shooting brooklyn [] / sian keegan [] / slowwood [] / stefan diez [] / studio floris rubben [] / studio swine [] / studio uli budde [] / supakitch & koralie [] / superuse [] / susanna hertrich [] / swissmiss []

taki*corporation [] / tamar mogendorff [] / ted sabarese [] / the bootstrap project [] / the colorblind designer [] / the scribble project [] / the selby [] / theo [] / tithi kutchamuch [] / trendland [] / tsunami glassworks []

val saint lambert []

woolly pocket []

yaelmer&shayalkalay [] / yann arthus-bertrand []

zelfo []

oct 8 2010 ∞
jan 6 2012 +