all this stuff is mostly pertaining to twitter as that's where i'm active most and am literally logged into most of the day!


  • my twitter is one big mess of fandom and personal tweets/rants bc i can't be bothered to have more than one account lmfao
  • i rt a lot (seriously, a. lot.) and sometimes i'll spam when i'm screaming/crying over something
    • usually idols/mobile games are the source and reason
    • i will definitely also rant about work & people in general when they annoy me

i sometimes take a while to reply either because i'm too lazy to respond at the time and will get back to it later or i just outright forget (sometimes as a result of being too lazy to respond at the time) so don't take it personally!

i will always try to reply as best as i can though and if i'm taking too long to respond to something that urgently needs my response, please poke me (but understand i may not be able to do anything right away)!

real warning

  • i don't really tag for anything or w/e bc i'll probably forget eventually and it's just so much work? but i do try to not be a horrible person and will keep things to myself if i feel like it might be super offensive or something
  • i mute people if i find that your tweets are just not what i want to see on my tlist anymore and the likes, even if we're mutuals. sorry! it's not like i don't like you as a person and i'll still reply to you if you @ me but yeah

tl;dr ♡ if you ever feel uncomfortable with something i say or anything, feel free to unfollow/block/whatever! if we were mutuals and you unfollow me and i find out then i may unfollow you as well.

sep 4 2017 ∞
may 18 2019 +