• 81kg (HURRY UP)
  • Finish gym cycle once a week with a cardio day
  • Top 15 League
  • Complete sleeve (RIP)
  • Spend less then 500 on food, keep to 1 coffee a day.
  • Buy nothing unimportant, no splurging.
  • Minimal soft drink
  • no Thai massage
  • 6km on treadmill in 1 session
  • Train hard at the gym / league

Overall, Didn't hit weight goal, Stuck around 82kg. But im gyming as much as possible whilst getting tattoo which wasn't easy, so tbh im not upset with that.

I actually hit a league goal for once, Peaked at rank 13. Which im proud of.

Soft drink was bad, hit 490 at food, (Not fully accurate but tbh better then most months considering.)

Trained hard but maybe not effective, also way too stressed this month. Need to figure out ways to manage

jun 2 2018 ∞
jul 7 2018 +