• i have been cordially invited to our 10 year high school reunion. after several years of putting off attending, i'm encouraged by a close friend and former classmate, you, who promises that they’ll go too. this year’s reunion is unlike any other; the high school is hosting a lock-in—an all-night event in which former students will be sleeping over within the hallowed halls they once ruled or dreaded. it’ll be a night filled with memories– reliving old ones and creating new ones. you and i will encounter friends from their past and maybe some old enemies too. once the sun rises the next morning, the school doors will be unlocked and all former students will go their separate ways, back to their adult lives.
  • you and i have only just met, but i truly do feel some sort of connection between the two of us - perhaps it’s the lack of alcohol talking, or the general need to leave my drunken asshole friends behind because they made me the designated driver, but let’s get out of here, yeah?
mar 28 2017 ∞
mar 29 2017 +