• getting lost without a compass or any camping gear and only one canteen of water on the fouth of july 2004 or 2005...on a deserted mountain logging road in the middle of nowhere with 4 other people, a puppy, and a Great Pyerenese. Some asshole gave us "directions" because "he went up there all the time". We had climbed a cliff overloiking the campground to see the fireworks, and were not planning on bringing our gear, since once they were done, we'd go back the way we came. Right before climbing, that asshole told us that there was an easier way down that wouldn't take as much as much time. We walked for an hour trying to find the place he said would get us down. By then the sun went down, we got lost in the dark with only the moon. After 15 more hours of trying to get back to the origional cliff, we made it...then threatened death to the direction-giver. He apologized and told us he hadn't been up there in 6 years, and things must have changed. No shit...
dec 12 2010 ∞
jul 8 2011 +