• I smell an empire of foolish wit held together by a nation's debt.
  • I mentally high-five myself.
  • I breathe the centralized oxygen through my nose and gently release the climate-destructive carbon dioxide through my mouth.
  • Sarcastic plastic.
  • Well, if he steals my thunder, he'll have HIS own lighting zap thunderbolts up HIS own ass.
  • There goes Arnold. Busy being a nega-dick
  • There are things in life I am willing to lose sleep for.
  • It's just like those people who give flyers for loans out on the streets. What kind of a world do we live in where they shove pieces of photocopied garbage in your face knowing that you'd just walk off and throw it immediately into the nearest trash bin? Tragic. I myself just give them a smile and say, no thank you. More civilized that way.
  • He looks stern and serious. Like an asshole. You know, like an actual person's anus. That face of his. He attacks me with his irritating sing-song kinda condescending tone.
  • She's got perfect teeth. For an alligator.
  • The summer brings the best of spring, what winter lost you'll find within.
  • Fucker better understand that he can wag his balls around only in places where his proximity card works.
  • Wow, what a clusterfuck thought-bomb. Of cluster-fucks.
  • I feel like a tourist in a strangely familiar town.
  • "A potential fatasstrophy."
  • "I really hate it when it's the ones you love that do absolutely the stupidest things you thought they wouldn't do. But they do. And they expect you to understand them. And you don't. Because you have to be honest. And no one likes stupid things. More so the people who do them."
  • Forever is never around when you think you're ready for it.
  • You cannot put your trust in the things that you want. If a pile of shit were heart-shaped, would it still be cute? Exactly.
  • We've become so good at decompartmentalizing our thoughts that we are so good at walking away from reality's hardships.
  • The idea of revolution has desensitized the masses to an extent that people have accepted is as part of life, a normal occurrence somewhere in the world, a news bit. But not as something that could actually change their lives.
  • Everybody wants to be happy, man. Everybody. But no one wants to pay for it. And those who go pay for it, pay dearly...because happy people have nothing left to say to the world. They're happy, what else is there to do or say?
  • Everybody wants to be part of something big and true and world-affecting. But no one wants to fight for their spot on the future front. That's why we dressed up our comic book heroes in spandex and space boots. They're partly human, much like us...but infinitely different anyway because they chose to fulfill their purpose and fight for the world.
  • People want to be SOMEBODY. Because they like the people who actually get to be SOMEBODY. But they won't put their life on the line for it, if they were given the chance. They couldn't even smell it if it were dangling out their asses. Now we're all just nobodies unwillingly trapped in the fight for things we don't believe in. I know I am.
  • Because my head is too small for the demands of my fantasies.
  • Hello, darkness, I see you half the time, all the time. I suppose, once you get over the fear of the unknown, of of not seeing anything and just accept that things are going to be this way for awhile, maybe....it's going to be ok. Maybe.
  • The nothingness of shpace. It's all very cold, dry and boring. Until something twikles in the blackness.
  • But really now, how can you contain what you can't understand?
sep 1 2013 ∞
sep 1 2013 +