• They cover the front page with unemployment and war, and they don't think that has a negative effect?
  • I don't know what's a happy ending. And I don't know how to fix anything.
  • For no reason, some lady steps up and grabs my uncle Henry's other arm. This new person, she says, "If you hurt yourself, you hurt me as well.…" Somebody else grabs that lady, and somebody grabs the last somebody, saying, "If you hurt yourself, you hurt me." Strangers reach out and grab hold of strangers in chains and branches, until we're all connected together. Like we're molecules crystallizing in solution in Organic Chem. Everyone's holding on to someone, and everyone's holding on to everyone, and their voices repeat the same sentence: "If you hurt yourself, you hurt me.… If you hurt yourself, you hurt me.…"
  • It sounds trite, but only because words make everything true sound trite. Because words always screw up what you're trying to say.
nov 20 2013 ∞
nov 20 2013 +