• You will smell must and soap, and feel a stab of panic about how alone you are.
  • Her days were spent in silence, mostly void, partially thought.
  • She understood the world and her place in it. She understood nothing. The world and her place in it were nothing and she understood that.
  • He thinks he is several things at once, many of them contradictory.
  • People who grow older think they are so wise, she thought. Like times means anything at all.
  • Nearly every broadcast told a story of impending doom or death, or worse: a long life lived in fruitless fear of doom or death.
  • Coming up after this break, some exclusive clips from my recent three-hour interview wit myself, in which I interrogated myself on my motivations, where I am in life, why I'm not in a different place in life, whose fault that is, and why I said that one embarrassing thing once.
  • There is nothing more lonely than an action taken quietly on your own, and nothing more comforting than doing that same quiet action in parallel with fellow humans doing the same action, everyone alone next to each other.
  • Almost always we are all experiencing the same problems as everyone else and pretending we don't so that every one of us thinks we are alone.
  • Comfort was the answer to all life's problems. It didn't solve them, but it made them more distant for a bit as they quietly worsened.
  • Not everyone gets to know everything about everybody.
  • I think the grand conspiracy of our world is just an argument between idiots.
  • Sleep is confusing. Dreams are baffling. The concept of transitioning from one perceived reality to another is a tolerated madness.
jun 10 2017 ∞
dec 30 2017 +