• The sea, the sea, the sea. It rolled and rolled and called to me. Come in, it said, come in. And in I went, floating, rolling, splashing, swimming, and the sea called, Come out, come out, and further I went but it always swept me back to shore.
  • Sometimes people need their own secrets.
  • Out here, there isn't day and night and then a new day. Instead, there are degrees of light and dark, merging and changing. It's like one long stream of time unfolding in front of you, all around you. There isn't really a yesterday or a day before, which is weird, because then what is tomorrow? And what is last week or last year? And if there is no yesterday or last year—or ten years ago—then it must be all now, one huge big present thing.
  • It's not where you're going that's important—it's how you get there.
sep 1 2013 ∞
sep 1 2013 +