hello! welcome to my listography. i'm maya, known as @tallemaja on nameberry ☼

  • i'm from athens, greece
  • i'm 21 years old
  • i like collecting european & other international names ♡

some of my biggest interests include:

  • history
  • eastern european cultures
  • geography & geoguessr
  • formula 1
  • eurovision
  • foreign languages & linguistics
  • 90s, 2000s & 2010s anime

as for music, i love komsomolsk, the oh hellos, green apelsin, the crane wives, marina satti and mitski ♡

feel free to say hi on nameberry :)

nov 7 2022 ∞
jun 4 2024 +


The witchery of living

is my whole conversation

with you, my darlings.

All I can tell you is what I know.

⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀

Look, and look again.

This world is not just a little thrill for the eyes.

⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀

It’s more than bones.

It’s more than the delicate wrist with its personal pulse.

It’s more than the beating of the single heart. It’s praising.

It’s giving until the giving feels like receiving. You have a life—just imagine that!

You have this day, and maybe another, and maybe still another.

- Mary Oliver

dec 9 2022 ∞
dec 17 2022 +

At the edge of the forest – flowers of dream chime; burst, flare – the girl with orange lips, knees crossed in the clear flood that rises from the meadows, nudity shadowed, traversed and clothed by rainbows; flowers, the sea.

- Arthur Rimbaud

may 21 2023 ∞
feb 2 2024 +

The white, scrolled

wings of the tumbling water

I never could have

imagined. And maybe there will be,

after all,

some slack and perfectly balanced

blind and rough peace, finally,

in the deep and green and utterly motionless pools after all that


- Mary Oliver

aug 21 2024 ∞
aug 21 2024 +
  • alíz (AW-leez) 'noble'
  • anikó (AW-nee-ko) 'grace'
  • attila (AW-teel-aw) 'little father'
  • bence (BEHN-tseh) 'blessed, conquering'
  • dorottya (daw-ROK-kyah) 'gift of god'
  • emőke (EH-MOO-keh) 'suckling, baby'
  • enikő (EH-nee-kuu) 'fawn'
  • erzsébet (EHR-zhyeh-beht) 'pledged to god'
  • etelka (EH-tehl-kaw) 'little father'
  • hajnalka (HOY-nawl-kaw) 'little dawn, morning glory'
  • hunor (HOO-nor) 'hun'
  • józsef (YO-zhehf) 'jehovah increases'
  • kincső (KEEN-tsuu) 'treasure'
  • lászló (LAS-lo) 'glorious ruler'
  • lujza (LOOY-zaw) 'renowned warior'
  • orsika (OR-shee-kuh) 'little bear'
  • orsolya (OR-sho-yuh) 'little bear'
  • szörény (suu-REH-ñ) 'stern, serious'
  • zselyke (ZHAY-keh) 'desire'
  • zsófia (ZHO-fee-aw) 'wisdom'
jan 29 2024 ∞
aug 21 2024 +
  • aleksandr (ah-lyek-SANDR) 'defender of men'
    • aleks, sanya, sasha, or shura
  • aleksey (ah-lyeh-KSAY) 'defender of men'
    • aleks, alyokha, alyosha, or lyosha
  • anastasiya (ah-nah-sta-SEE-yah) 'resurrection'
    • nastya
  • anatoliy (ah-nah-TO-lyee) 'sunrise'
    • tolya or tolyan
  • anton (ahn-TON) 'from antium'
    • no nickname or antosha, antokha, tokha
  • arseniy (ahr-SEH-nyee) 'strong, virile'
    • senya
  • artyom (ahr-TYOM) 'safe, butcher'
    • tyoma
jan 31 2024 ∞
aug 25 2024 +
  • boyan (BO-yahn) 'battle'
  • cvita (TSVEE-tah) 'blossom, flower'
  • domen (DO-men) 'of the lord'
  • dražen (DRAH-zhen) 'precious'
  • dunja (DOO-nya) 'quince'
  • ilija (EE-lee-ah) 'yahweh is god'
  • ilinka (EE-leen-kah) 'yahweh is god'
  • krasimira (krah-see-MEE-rah) 'beautiful world'
  • janja (YAH-nya) 'lamb'
  • lalka (LAHL-kah) 'tulip'
  • luka (LOO-kah) 'man from lucania'
  • matija (MAH-tee-yah) 'gift of god'
  • miha (MEE-ha) 'who is like god?'
  • milan (MEE-lahn) 'gracious, dear'
  • milen (MEE-lehn) 'gracious, dear'
  • nikola (NI-ko-lah) 'people of victory'
  • nevenka (NEH-vehn-kah) 'marigold'
  • ozren (AWZ-rehn) 'to look, glance'
  • rajko (RYE-ko) 'heaven'
  • rosen (ROS-ehn) 'dittany'
  • rumen (ROO-mehn) 'ruddy, red-cheeked'
jan 30 2024 ∞
aug 21 2024 +
  • aistė (ICE-tyeh) 'from the aesti tribe'
  • aušrinė (owsh-RIN-yeh) 'like the dawn'
  • austėja (ow-STAY-yah) 'to weave'
  • gedimina (geh-dee-MEE-nah) 'to long for you and keep you in my mind'
  • helve (HEHL-veh) 'flake, snowflake'
  • ieva (YEH-vah, ee-EH-vah) 'life, bird cherry'
  • jüri (YOO-ree) 'farmer'
  • kovas (KO-vas) 'black crow, march'
  • liene (lee-eh-neh) 'shining light'
  • luule (LOO-leh) 'poetry'
  • raivo (REYE-vo) 'fury'
  • rusnė (ROOS-nye) 'the river rusnė'
  • rūta (ROO-teh, ROO-tah) 'rue, compassionate friend'
  • sigita (see-GEE-tah, hard g) 'peaceful victory'
  • sirje (SEE-ryeh) 'blue-feathered'
  • toivo (TOY-vo) 'hope'
  • žemyna (zheh-MEE-nah) 'earth'
jan 29 2024 ∞
sep 9 2024 +
  • aurel (ow-REHL) 'the golden one'
  • călin (kuh-LEEN) 'guelder rose'
  • cătălin (kuh-tuh-LEEN) 'pure'
  • ciprian (tsee-pree-AHN) 'from cyprus'
  • cosmin (kos-MEEN) 'order, beauty, universe'
  • cosmina (kos-MEE-nah) 'order, beauty, universe'
  • crina (KREE-nah) 'lily'
  • elisei (eh-lee-SAY) 'my god is salvation'
  • florentin (flo-rehn-TEEN) 'flowering'
  • ilie (ee-LEE-eh) 'yahweh is god'
  • liviu (LEE-vyu, LEE-vee-ooh) 'blue, envious'
  • luminița (loo-mee-NEE-tsah) 'little light'
  • mădălina (muh-duh-LEE-nah) 'high tower'
  • mihai (mee-HIE) 'who is like god?'
  • miruna (mee-ROO-nah) 'peace, to wonder, to astound'
  • nicolae (nee-ko-LAH-eh) 'people of victory'
  • raluca (rah-LOO-kah) 'the glory of hera'
  • silviu (SEEL-vyu, SEEL-vee-ooh) 'from the forest'
  • sorin (so-REEN) 'sun'
jan 30 2024 ∞
aug 21 2024 +
  • amálie (ah-MAH-lee-eh) 'vigorous, brave'
  • antonín (AHN-taw-neen) 'from antium'
  • apoliena (ah-PO-lyeh-nah) 'from apollo'
  • eliška (eh-LISH-kah) 'pledged to god'
  • hedvika (HEHD-VEE-kah) 'war, battle'
  • ivica (EE-vee-tsah) 'god is gracious'
  • karolína (KAH-ro-LEE-nah) 'free man'
  • kristián (krees-tee-AHN) 'christian'
  • květa (KVYEH-tah) 'flower, blossom'
  • květoslava (KVYEH-to-SLAH-vah) 'glory to the flowers'
  • madlenka (MAHD-lehn-kah) 'from magdala'
  • markéta (mahr-KEH-tah) 'pearl'
  • milena (MIH-leh-nah) 'love, warmth, grace'
  • lenka (LEHN-kah) 'shining light'
  • rastislav (RAH-stee-slauu) 'growth and glory'
  • václav (VATS-lauu, VATS-laf) 'more glory'
  • věra (VYEH-rah) 'faith'
  • vieroslava (vyeh-ro-slah-vah) 'faith and glory'
  • žofie (ZHO-FI-eh) 'wisdom'
feb 1 2024 ∞
jun 5 2024 +
  • agnieszka (ag-NYESH-ka) 'pure'
  • aleksy (ah-LEH-ksih) 'defender'
  • aniela (ah-NYEH-la) 'angel'
  • gracjan (GRAH-tsyan) 'grace'
  • halina (kha-LEE-na) 'calm, healer'
  • ilona (ee-LAW-nah) 'shining light'
  • jacek (YAH-tsehk) 'hyacinth'
  • jagna (YAG-nah) 'good, pure'
  • kalina (kah-LEE-nah) 'viburnum tree'
  • klementyna (kleh-mehn-TIH-nah) 'clementine'
  • lucjan (LOO-tsyahn) 'light'
  • maciej (MAH-chay) 'gift of god'
  • maksym (MAK-sim) 'greatest'
  • seweryn (seh-VEH-rin) 'stern, serious'
  • wincenty (veen-TSEHN-tih) 'conquering'
jan 30 2024 ∞
jun 5 2024 +
  • achelois (ah-kheh-lo-EES) 'she who washes away pain'
  • achilleas (ah-khee-LEH-ahs) 'thin-lipped'
  • alexis (ah-LEH-ksees) 'defender of men'
  • alkyoni (ahl-kee-AW-nee) 'kingfisher bird'
  • amaryllis (ah-mah-ree-LEES) 'to sparkle'
  • ares (AH-rees) 'ruin, bane'
  • areti (ah-reh-TEE) 'virtue'
  • ariadni (ah-ree-AH-dnee) 'most holy'
  • aristotelis (ah-ree-sto-TEH-lees) 'superior'
  • artemis (AHR-teh-miss) 'safe, butcher'
  • asimina (ah-see-MEE-nah) 'silver, unmarked'
  • aspasia (ah-spah-SEE-ah) 'welcome, embrace'
  • charis / haris (KHA-rees) 'grace'
  • evyenia (ehv-yeh-NEE-ah) 'well-born'
  • effrosyni (eff-ro-SEE-nee) 'joy, merriment'
  • elisavet (eh-lee-SAH-vet) 'pleged to god'
  • harilaos (kha-REE-lah-os) 'grace of the people'
  • ioanna (ee-o-AH-nah) 'god is gracious'
  • iokasti (ee-o-KAS-tee) 'beautiful as a violet flower'
feb 1 2024 ∞
aug 5 2024 +