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Fraternal twin, brunette, Christian, police wife, knowledgeable about television but also really enjoy reading, close to my family, especially my best friend whom I "carry in my heart", my twin sister Elizabeth.

listography TERMS
Elizabeth crushes (boys of my past)
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Season 1

  • 1.8 "Love and War and Snow": Luke sees Lorelai and Max walking together in the snow while "Someone to Watch Over Me" plays, and when they kiss quickly Luke gets this stricken look on his face. Also Rory seems upset because Max is in the house and looks sadly at this picture of her mom and dad that she found when she was stranded at her grandma's house.
  • 1.9/1.10 "Rory's Dance"/"Forgiveness and Stuff": Rory goes to the formal dance at Chilton, and she falls asleep while at Miss Patty's with Dean, so her mom and grandma have a really horrible fight where Emily tells Lorelai that her daughter is going to make the same mistakes that she did, and then Lorelai yells at Rory and doesn't seem to believe that nothing happened. In the 2nd episode Lorelai's dad collapses (it turns out to only be angina), and Lorelai is really worried, but Luke comforts her. Also there's this part where Richard starts talking about his will, and Emily tells him that she refuses to talk about his dying, and she demands to go first.
  • 1.11 "Paris is Burning": Rory starts feeling more connected to having Max around, so Lorelai freaks out and tries to break up with him until she ends up kissing him at Parents' Day which Paris witnesses. Then Max and Lorelai do break up, and she cries on her bed when Rory comes in to comfort her. Also Sookie and Lorelai's conversation is upsetting when she says that Sookie hasn't been in a relationship in years, so she doesn't know anything about relationships.
  • 1.17 "The Breakup, Part 2": Rory and Dean have broken up, and Rory lays down on her bed when she hears her mom and Babette talking about what happened, but she angrily sits up before she can really cry.
  • 1.21 "Love, Daisies, and Troubadours": Max proposes to Lorelai with a 1000 yellow daisies after she had previously told him a proposal should be "more than the desperate desire to end a bickering match...magical...there should be a 1000 yellow daisies"; Rory and Dean get back together when she says, "I love you, you idiot."

Season 2

  • 2.1 "Sadie, Sadie": It's really heartbreaking when Emily finds out that Lorelai is engaged from Sookie when Lorelai had not told her parents about the engagement.
  • 2.3 "Red Light on the Wedding Night": After calling Christopher during her bachelorette party, Lorelai announces to Rory that she can't marry Max because she didn't want to try on her wedding dress every night like her mother had said at the party. Lorelai is understandably upset about calling off the wedding, and she and Rory take off on a road trip.
  • 2.4 "The Road Trip to Harvard": Lorelai is really upset when she sees the chuppah that Luke made for her and Max's wedding in her yard when she and Rory come back from Harvard.
  • 2.18 "Back in the Saddle Again": Dean is becoming possessive of Rory, and when he shows up at the house at the end of the episode he says in a small voice to Lorelai, "She likes Jess, doesn't she?"
  • 2.19 "Teach Me Tonight": Rory and Jess get in a car accident; Lorelai blames Luke because he got Rory to agree to "tutor" Jess. They have a terrible fight, and Lorelai screams at him, "Go to hell!" and he replies with, "Right back at you." It's horribly upsetting.
  • 2.21 "Lorelai's Graduation Day": Lorelai's parents come to the graduation for her business school; Emily starts crying when Lorelai is onstage; Rory can't make it to her mom's graduation since she went to visit Jess, and she feels really stupid/guilty about it.
  • 2.22 "I Can't Get Started": Lorelai tries to apologize to Luke, and he doesn't treat her in the same way despite her apologies, so she's hurt. Lorelai sleeps with Christopher when he shows up, and they decide to try being together since he and Sherry have been having problems, but then he finds out Sherry's pregnant and leaves Lorelai alone right before Sookie's wedding.

Season 3

  • 3.1 "Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days": Lorelai and Rory fight because Rory tells her mom she kissed Jess, and they argue about how badly she's treating Dean. Lorelai tells her parents about Christopher being gone since his girlfriend's pregnant, and her parents start fighting with each other. Lorelai makes up with Luke when she gives a speech about how she really wanted the whole package of a real family, and he's really nice and comforting.
  • 3.2 "Haunted Leg": Lorelai and Christopher have a confrontation at her parents' house, and she talks about how much it hurts for them to talk, and then Emily tells Chris to leave.
  • 3.7 "They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?": Rory and Dean break up after she pays a lot of attention to Jess making out with Shane on the sidelines of the dance marathon, and Dean yells at Rory about how everyone can tell that Jess and Rory are into each other, so he's done.
  • 3.17 "A Tale of Poes and Fire": The Independence Inn catches on fire, and the damage is really extreme when they go in the following day.
  • 3.22 "Those are Strings, Pinocchio": Rory graduates from Chilton, and she gives a really beautiful speech about her mother, and everybody who's there to see her graduate, including Luke, cries.

Season 4

  • 4.6 "An Affair to Remember": Emily is planning a launch party for Richard's business, but Jason tells her he made a plan to take everyone to Atlantic City, and she feels obsolete/Lorelai goes to yell at Jason when she finds out what he did to her mother.
  • 4.11 "In the Clamor and the Clangor": Lorelai becomes really upset when Luke says he moved to Litchfield to move in with Nicole, and they conspire to break the bells together when she says that she cares and doesn't want him to move (she says he didn't move because he's still been staying at his apartment). Lane and her mom have a falling-out when her mother finally finds out about everything she's kept from her including her band, and her mom tells her she has to move out if she won't abide by her rules.
  • 4.14 "The Incredible Shrinking Lorelais": Lorelai is overwhelmed by how much opening the Dragonfly is costing and has a meltdown, during which Luke comforts and holds her/offers to loan her $30,000.
  • 4.21 "Last Week Fights, This Week Tights": Jess comes to Yale to try to get Rory to come away with him, but she tells him no. He looks really heartbroken. Lorelai and Luke dance at his sister's wedding, and she looks really happy/into him while they're dancing.
  • 4.22 "Raincoats and Recipes": Luke and Lorelai have their first kiss after he was concerned she was getting back together with Jason, and she sets him straight that she and Jason are definitely broken up, and she's not taken. Rory and Dean sleep together despite the fact that he's married, and Rory and Lorelai have a bad fight about her being the other woman, and Lorelai "ruining" Rory's first time for her by telling her how wrong it was to sleep with Dean.

Season 5

  • 5.3 "Written in the Stars": Luke and Lorelai go on their first date, and he shares with her that he kept the horoscope she gave him on the first day they met in his wallet for 8 years/says he's "all in" in their relationship.
  • 5.9 "Emily Says Hello": Emily goes on a date with Simon in an attempt to deal with her pain at being lonely in her separation from Richard, but she bursts into tears following the date as she stands in the foyer.
  • 5.11 "Women of Questionable Morals": Luke sets up an ice rink for Lorelai in her front yard to make up for hurting her relationship with snow in ranting about it. His thoughtfulness is appreciated, but Lorelai keeps her time spent with Christopher a secret because she fears his reaction even though Chris's father died, and she was comforting him with tequila and talking.
  • 5.13 "Wedding Bell Blues": Christopher shows up at her parents' vow renewal. Although Lorelai tells Luke about her tequila night with Chris, Luke seems distant/upset, and Luke and Chris get into a screaming match after they all walk in on Rory and Logan hooking up. Chris starts yelling things about how Luke and Lorelai are only together for now, and Luke runs out before Lorelai can stop him. Since Chris revealed her mom was behind his appearance and crazy reasoning, Lorelai announces to her mom that they're done.
  • 5.14 "Say Something": Lorelai and Luke break up because he can't deal with everything that happened with Chris. Lorelai is really upset, and Rory comes home to comfort her, which is when Lorelai starts talking about ruining everything, and how Luke could've been the one. Lorelai has an awful dream where Luke says that he's all in, and she just sits there, and she yells at herself to "Say something!" Lorelai also calls Luke crying and starts rambling about The Way We Were. The whole speech is really moving as she begs him, "Please come over."
  • 5.15 "Jews and Chinese Food": The elementary school does a production of Fiddler on the Roof. Lorelai and Luke look on as Kirk and a little girl sing "Do You Love Me?" They both obviously love each other and are terribly upset about being broken up.
  • 5.16 "So...Good Talk": Luke and Lorelai get back together after Emily tells him to go to her, and Lorelai is watching A Star is Born, so Judy Garland is singing "The Man That Got Away" as Lorelai opens the door, and Luke kisses her.
  • 5.17 "Pulp Friction" Lorelai and her mom have a fight at the diner after Emily goes there and starts yelling at Luke because she thinks they haven't gotten back together. Lorelai is really angry, and Luke comforts her following the argument by placing his hand over hers on the counter.
  • 5.22 "A House is Not a Home": Rory tells her mom she's dropping out of Yale; Lorelai does not accept this news, and she tries to get her parents to help her convince Rory not to drop out, but they betray her by agreeing to house Rory while she figures things out; this begins the rift between Rory and Lorelai. When Luke reacts by suggesting that they not let Rory drop out and offers to do whatever's necessary including taking Rory to class personally, Lorelai proposes to him.

Season 6

  • 6.1 "New and Improved Lorelai": Lorelai is happy to be engaged to Luke, but she is heartbroken over her rift with Rory; at the end of the episode when she goes into Rory's room she breaks down before getting herself together to have the engagement moment with Luke that he missed since she was the one who proposed.
  • 6.2 "Fight Face": Rory finds out from Luke that he and her mom are engaged, and she is really hurt; she and her mom have a fight on the side of the road about it when they say that they have both been hurt by each other.
  • 6.7 "Twenty-One is the Loneliest Number": Rory's birthday party is really sad because she and her mom are awkward in their interactions after being apart for so long.
  • 6.9 "The Prodigal Daughter Returns": Emily goes to buy a timeshare on a jet after Rory moves out suddenly, and she talks with Lorelai about losing Rory just like she lost Lorelai, but Lorelai says to Emily that she never lost her. Rory finally decides to go back to school and gets a job at a newspaper; Rory and Lorelai hug outside their house, and they both talk about how much they missed each other.
  • 6.12 "Just Like Gwen and Gavin": Lorelai finds out about April when she meets her at the diner and is incredibly hurt that Luke kept the fact that he had a daughter from her for two months. She is also hurt when Luke seems so relieved that she acquiesces to his request that they postpone the wedding so he can deal with the April situation.
  • 6.15 "A Vineyard Valentine": Lorelai confesses to Luke that she's worried that their wedding isn't going to happen, and he tells her that he loves her which she states is nice to hear "once in a while." He also assures her that they are getting married and says that at their wedding they are having lobster since he enjoyed eating it so much.
  • 6.16 "Bridesmaids Revisited": Zack proposes to Lane after they have been broken up, and she is adorable following her acceptance of his proposal when she is walking around the diner in a daze.
  • 6.19 "I Get a Sidekick Out Of You": Lane and Zack get married, and at the wedding, Lorelai makes a speech about how she's never going to get married and keeps repeating the original date of her planned wedding to Luke June 3rd and saying how she's not getting married then and she will basically never get marred. It's all very depressing and uncomfortable, and she feels even worse after finding out that Rory met April in Philadelphia when Luke keeps everything about April separate from her.
  • 6.20 "Super Cool Party People": Luke has to get Lorelai to come to the rescue to make April's birthday party enjoyable, but then April's mom Anna yells at him for bringing in his fiancee to throw the party. Luke is upset that April will like Lorelai better than him, and Lorelai is hurt by his telling her about Anna being upset and how he doesn't feel that Lorelai should be involved with April's life. Also Lorelai talks to Anna, and Anna telling her how being engaged is not the same as being married in terms of stability makes Lorelai insecure about her impending marriage to Luke.
  • 6.21 "Driving Miss Gilmore": Emily tells Lorelai that she's buying a house for Luke and her, but Lorelai says that the wedding's not going to happen. When Lorelai starts crying, her mom comes over to her and puts her hand on her shoulder.
  • 6.22 "Partings": Lorelai is sick of how she feels about her relationship with Luke and she talks with a psychologist about her relationships, stating that the only man she ever loved was Luke, and now she feels like she needs to do something to change things. She gives Luke an ultimatum that they need to get married now or never, so when he tells her to wait, she leaves and sleeps with Christopher as a comfort. Lorelai looks broken/paralyzed in the face when she is in bed with Chris at the end of the episode. Logan leaves for London, so it's sad for Rory to separate from him.

Season 7

  • 7.1 "The Long Morrow": Logan left Rory an amazing gift: a rocket to show her that his love is true love like that of the guy in The Twilight Zone who came out of suspended animation so he could be with the woman he loved who had to stay on Earth. When Luke shows up to say that he's ready to elope and needs to be sharing everything with Lorelai for his life to have meaning, she admits that she slept with Christopher, and he walks away heartbroken.
  • 7.2 "That's What You Get, Folks, For Making Whoopee": Since Luke and Lorelai are broken up, when they run into each other first Luke yells at her about how she was the one who proposed anyway, so clearly she should be more upset. Also when they run into each other again, and he suggests that he should just be the guy who pours her coffee, it's really sad. Rory yells at her mom initially for sleeping with Chris when she was hurting over Luke, but she comforts her later when Lorelai is crying about running into Luke the 2nd time.
  • 7.8 "Introducing Lorelai Planetarium": When Luke asks Lorelai for help when April needs an appendectomy, he inadvertently finds out she is married to Christopher and looks stricken.
  • 7.12 "To Whom It May Concern": When Chris finds the character reference letter Lorelai wrote for Luke's custody hearing, he angrily tells her it sounds like a love letter and he's not okay with being her 2nd choice, so he walks out. The letter is very sweet and says how he's the kind of guy who will always be in your life, and Lorelai writes about how he's been a good father figure for Rory.
  • 7.13 "I'd Rather Be In Philadelphia" Richard had a heart attack, so everyone is at the hospital except Chris who isn't picking up his phone. Luke shows up and is a comfort to Lorelai. Emily has a great moment with Lorelai when she breaks down over how she could lose her husband, and Lorelai understands her mother's actions, worrying about things like ordering enough fish for menus. When Chris finally shows up, he acts like a jerk when he sees Luke there.
  • 7.14 "Farewell, My Pet": Lorelai tears up while at a funeral for Michel's dog as Zack plays "My Heart Will Go On." Lorelai tearfully talks to Chris about her feelings for him and for Luke and tells Chris that although she does still have feelings for Luke, the real problem is that he's only the man that she wants to want. The dissolution of their marriage in this talk is incredibly emotional, and Chris seems accepting of her reasons.
  • 7.18 "Hay Bale Maze": Lorelai and Luke run into each other in the maze, and they both admit that they made mistakes that caused their engagement to end.
  • 7.20 "Lorelai? Lorelai?": Lorelai sings "I Will Always Love You" at karaoke and because she is drunk, it basically turns into a serenade for Luke when he walks in; he gets choked up, and he keeps the hat she gave him on even when Zack finds his other hat in the diner. Logan also asks permission to propose to Rory.
  • 7.21 "Unto the Breach": Logan proposes to Rory following her graduation, and after she thinks about it, she decides not to accept, so they say good-bye since he won't accept not marrying her. Lorelai and Luke have a talk filled with subtext about Logan's proposal where they talk about being ready and making sure things are right before getting engaged.
  • 7.22 "Bon Voyage": Rory gets a job covering Obama's campaign and has to leave her mom, so they have touching farewell moments; when Lorelai finds out all that Luke did for Rory's farewell party, she kisses him, and it is implied that they will be together again.
jun 3 2009 ∞
jul 21 2015 +