@amygadalan @eldritchparty basically everywhere

unfortunately im not as active as I would like to be because of work but I will be posting more art around april/may when im done moving to canada which ive been trying to do for the last few years, takes a lot of time and me doing work to support myself so i dont have much time to draw for myself these days

Im open to messages on discord/DMs on twitter! Im usually active at rlly odd parts of the day bc my sleep schedule is bullshit bc of insomnia/gen sleep disorders unfortunately. if I seem out of it or dazey or tired im really sorry! chances are that I certainly am out of it from exhaustion LMAO. but Im usually active later at night.

aug 23 2017 ∞
mar 23 2018 +

just some general things people might want to know when interacting I guess because Im kind of hard to read.

-I really dont do well with people that are super pushy or get angry if I dont reply to them within the hour I can be slow to reply and really appreciate patience when it comes to interacting with me!

-if theres ever anything wrong Im super open to critique and always want to know if im doing something harmful or even if someones not having a good day and needs someone to vent to im all there for that just dont 100 percent rely on me for help as I can be a bit in/out with my communication.

-Im easily stressed and can come off as combatitive or cold I promise this isnt anything bad towards the person im interacting with just give me a bit of time to cool down. its unfortunately a knee jerk reaction sometimes im not exactly used to p...

aug 1 2017 ∞
mar 25 2018 +
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aug 1 2017 ∞
aug 23 2017 +

Jojo/Johnny/Freelance artist/Married/He/They/NB/20/Taurus/May 15th/

Little facts:

-I originally grew up in California! I am currently in the process of moving in with my partner in Canada. Im trans and one year on T I grew up with/was majorly influenced by the punk movement the music, ideals and fashion sense has stayed with me ever since

-For the most part im self taught and have a lot to learn but I did study/schooling in animation on and off, I did a few programs at CALARTS in 2014 (NOT FULL SCHOOLING ITS OUT OF MY RANGE PRICE WISE/GEN PORTFOLIO REQS ARE A BIT OUT OF MY ABILITY CURRENTLY.) and standalone schools/courses such as animtion acad burbank but over time lost interest in animation after I had a very rough bout in my life that made it hard for me to work in general and I couldnt attend courses anymore/after rea...

aug 23 2017 ∞
mar 25 2018 +