Comfort characters/please follow if you are kin with






Don't request to follow if you are kin with

•gamzee (bad memories, kanaya isn't sorry)

•mindfang (because I'm kin with porrim and kanaya)(and possibly dolorosa)

•bro (bad dude in all my timelines)

Ask to follow if you are kin with

•jd (bad memories)

•eridan (bad memories, But if you want to trade memories that's fine)

•vriska or aranea (Vriska is same as eridan, but araneas make meenah really upset so please warn me before talking to me)

jun 28 2017 ∞
jul 23 2017 +
list icon

hello! Please don't request to follow if you are anti kin! Or if you don't like me as a person! Please use the password I'll provide somewhere in here to follow if we aren't Mutuals on my main!

I just very recently realized I was kin, so I'm still trying to remember things!

Please don't ask to trade memories if I'm not in that specific characters shift!

That's it for here really, next will be who I kin with!

jun 22 2017 ∞
jun 22 2017 +


•Meenah peixes


•aradia megido

long curly hair, friends with most female beta trolls

•Porrim Maryam

Upset 98% of the time

•kanaya Maryam

Curly short hair, married to rose, mother child relationship with most female trolls (+ karkat :D )

•roxy lalonde

Lonely. No quadrants, but pinned for calliope for the longest time. Doesn't like Jane and hates dirk. Was left alone after the game and only developed a drinking problem then (I know that's a lot but I feel like I should say this)

•ms paint

Cared for as many people as she could, but still felt lonely most of the time. Cov...

jun 22 2017 ∞
jul 23 2017 +
jun 22 2017 ∞
oct 4 2017 +