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"This is love, she thought, isn't it? When you notice someone's absence and hate that absence more than anything? More, even, than you love his presence?"

To make a mix tape of!

  • Amelie: Nino and Amelie tenderly kiss parts of each other's faces as the cat looks on drowsily
  • Ferngully: Zach and Krista's spectacular midair kiss to the haunting strains of A Dream Worth Keeping (had to look that title up)
  • A&E Pride and Prejudice: every scene where Colin Firth looks at Lizzy, ardently, admiringly, and like he'll never get the rest of his brain back or even miss it
  • Robin Hood: Robin and Marian as little foxes, together at twilight, surrounded by a hundred thousand fireflies, to a song called simply, "Love"
  • Brokeback Mountain: Jack's flashback to Brokeback, asleep on his feet by the fire as Ennis holds him and whispers tender things in his ear before riding away, as Jack watches him go, his face desperate with a longing that we know will never be satisfied, and then back to the present, where Ennis is leaving again, leaving, always leaving; and also the very last scene, with Jack's shirt inside Ennis's, as Ennis smooths it and chokes gruffly, almost unintelligibly, over his grief that is like company in his loneliness
  • Person of Interest, 5x13 "shapes": Root, Shaw, and The Machine - raw, bloody, electric; bitter with half-requited unfulfilled love, upon which lies heavy the tender implacable mediating eye of the artificial goddess. "If you were a shape, you were a straight line. An arrow."
  • All 50 episodes of The Untamed, a heartrending Chinese costume drama about family, war, incredible wigs, and the steadfast, selfless love between an uptight and morally upright gay musician and his bisexual manic pixie dream necromancer soulmate. Maybe instead of a single scene for the mix tape, the love song that plays every time Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian are in the same room could just be constantly playing in the background, over Amelie and fox Robin Hood and Mr. Darcy and everybody
  • 20020: Nick and Manny's reunion as seen from (a million miles) above, tiny little x avatars nestling back up together at last, staring down a long long road ahead
nov 12 2008 ∞
jan 11 2021 +