Ondskan (Evil)

Lilja 4 Ever


The Girl whith dragon tattoo

Bank Job

Italian Job

The Count of Monte Cristo

dec 4 2012 ∞
dec 4 2012 +

that songs are really kuuL

-modjo - lady

i just hear modjo when i was 15 then i never heard :)

-leroy gomez santa esmeralda - dont let me be missunderstood

this music was really impressed me i still enjoy it while listenning http://listography.com/8938089075#

jun 22 2011 ∞
jun 22 2011 +
list icon

which measures they gonna make popular top 250 moive

my favorites

-Departed Di Caprio and Matt Damon are perfect

-Transporter 1-2-3

I watched all series its good action movie with Jason Statham. Actually i really liked "Natalia Rudakova" She performed excelent in my wiev

-Social Network

This movie fukin popular. It impressed me bkz it based to real story. i have lots friends and they suggest this film to me and i watched it and i gonna be on fire

thats all now if i remember good movies if they impress me i gonna add this topic :)

jun 23 2011 ∞
jun 23 2011 +

metric - help i m alive

sade - by your side

metric - eclipse

Haley Bonar – Ransom

aug 18 2011 ∞
aug 18 2011 +