• im sixteen (but usually i act as if im 5 or as if i have died a dozen times already (although sometimes i act 16 too, or at least thats what i like to think.))
  • sometimes i use parentheses too much (or do i?)
  • intp
  • capricorn
  • slytherin or ravenclaw (after a few years of thinking about it, ive reached no conclusion, but ill keep you posted)
  • now im just using parentheses bc i said that
  • i spend too much money on coloured lights
  • i speak english, swedish, as much spanish as you learn during four years in school, some pse and im trying to learn korean (also circular gallifreyan if that counts for something)
  • im bad at finishing things
oct 21 2017 ∞
dec 24 2017 +