• what to do in the summer: read, work/volunteer, hobbies
  • don't wanna study: reevaluate it, make a to do list, pomodoro, step away from desk
  • mental health days: don't study, take care of yourself
  • effective studying: put away distractions, schedule with pomodoros, to do lists, active studying
  • visual learning: sit in the front, use flashcards, write down key ides, color code, avoid distractions
  • outlines: topic/date, headings, dot points, indents, different color schemes
  • memorizing: read and summarize, active studying, handwrite notes, schedule, curve of learning
  • to do: academic review (dates, how much studying, prioritizing), do something you enjoy, cleaning, organizing, tiding
  • improve productivity: clear desk, two minute rule (less than two minutes means do it), schedule, leave phone alone, find priorities, wear headphones, do not multitask
  • increase motivation: start working small, plan tmrw today, structure using planner, use studygram, write long/short term goals
  • motivation: learn to be disciplined, studying sucks less than failing, goals, refresh, set goals, change things up, take care of health
  • curve of forgetting: class notes, reread textbook, make study guide/flashcards
  • productive summer: schedule, wake up early
  • habits: discipline (force yourself), concentrate, organize (tasks, goals, study schedule), task splitting, wake up early, read smarter, be healthier (sleeping/chores/exercise/skincare/water/did hw/100 days of productivity)
  • study habits: write down date, read before, color code, curve of forgetting, date and name everything, plan as much as possible, study notes after done with daily reading
  • discipline: externalize goals, commit, recognize weaknesses, use a habit tracker
  • fuck perfectionism: get rid of unrealistic goals, see mistakes as lessons, notice small accomplishments, be grateful
  • daily habits: make bed, set/do top three priorities, stretch, pack bag/food, skincare, update habit tracker
  • weekly habits: exfoliate, review week, update playlist
  • no bullshit: be honest, clean entire room, actually work, cut yourself slack, reward yourself
  • improve myself: read more, pick up new hobbies, lvl up skills, wake up early, weekly exercise, learn to deal with difficult people, stop using social media as much
  • visuals: read textbook several times, highlight/learn definitions, color code and make a map
  • recall: practicing past exam q's, question/answer flashcards, mini tests, other people testing you
  • not understanding: take a break, reread notes, ask, google, rewatch lectures
  • morning: give enough time to get ready before leaving, drink water, make bed, stretch, open curtains, do smth productive before class
may 25 2018 ∞
may 26 2018 +