◇ DC / comics in general, but mostly DC

◇ i love batman and robin the most

◇ my favorite anime is negima

◇ i love drawing

◇ music is good (beyonce, nicki, blood orange, perfume, dean, kanye, some kpop, some jpop, etc.)

◇ cowchop

◇ pokemons (houndoom, umbreon, shinx)

◇ fashion

◇ games!!!

◇ mythology

◇ space and oceans

jul 22 2016 ∞
jul 23 2016 +

◇ my name is sae

◇ 19 yrs old (september 15th)

◇ she/her they/them

◇ mixed, asian/latinx/white

◇ i love my girlfriend

jul 22 2016 ∞
jul 23 2016 +

◇ damian wayne

◇ raven

◇ rose wilson

◇ harley quinn

◇ kate kane

◇ dick grayson

◇ pamela isley

◇ jason todd

◇ bruce wayne

◇ diana of themyscira

◇ wally west

jul 22 2016 ∞
jul 22 2016 +

◇ mana tatsumiya (negima)

◇ marie rose (doa)

◇ serah farron (ff13)

◇ lightning farron (ff13)

◇ lucky chloe (tekken)

◇ evangeline ak mcdowell (negima)

◇ raven (dc)

◇ kate kane (dc)

jul 22 2016 ∞
jul 24 2016 +