• almond trees
  • tiny flowers
  • LANA DEL REY's new single Love and the 'Honeymoon' album, which I don't know why I had never listened to.
  • movies: so far this month (as I'm writing this, 6 days) I have seen at least 10 movies, and I think I've loved all of them thankfully:
    • 'Suite Française'
    • 'The dutchess'
    • 'The Imitation game'
    • 'The nun's story'
    • 'Gilda' and therefore Rita Hayworth and Humphrey.
    • 'The young Victoria'
  • my mother's cousin Chini. well all of the family are great. The husband of another cousin of my mother, who is a vegetarian, bought me a book of vegan recipes for my birthday AND baked me some oat biscuits, which were delicious, but made me kind of sad because I can't understand why anyone would make me any food. I'm so annoying. and my aunty Marta kissed me on the cheek so caringly, and my aunt Popo is also really cute, she seems so feminine and also naive. Javi told me he would let me some more books he had loved. my little cousin Alejandro is so cute as well, he has a little orchard.
  • today's (6th) breakfast: I was in this super big hotel because of a show I had to be in, and I had to spend the night there. The hotel was huge and really nice (it's where 'Los Goya' (which are like the Spanish Oscars) are celebrated), so the breakfast had to be good. And it really was. the fruit was the best, the freshest fruit I've ever tasted. Even though it was super crowded because of the convention, I could enjoy it, so that was good. But my favourite part was that I shared table with one of the stylists: we were both alone and chose the same table simoultaneously because all of the others were taken; we didnt talk much but I tried to be as kind and nice as my stupid head let me, and I think I reached a pretty high level. We talked about the show and the company... and when he left he asked me my name and I told him and he said 'Oh, like my mum!' and I thought that was cute.
  • spring's development: tiny leaves growing bigger every day, flower petals fallen from trees all over the ground, dandelions and daisies.
  • Charlotte Brontë's 'Villette'. I love this woman's writing.
  • Modeling (just 2 days this month, but I learned a lot in both; on the 20th I went to a donkey sanctuary which was pretty cool, I enjoyed every second, it was a very sunny day).
  • the moon and the clear night sky.
  • Belle's dresses and outfits in 'Beauty and the Beast'
  • French.
  • series 'The Bletchley Circle'
  • The Big Bang Theory, never gets old.
  • finding anime (X, X, X)
mar 6 2017 ∞
apr 1 2017 +