• More comprehensive and speedier traffic analysis.
    • Identify potential environmental effects and propose programs to reduce the need for extended traffic.
  • Accurate population census.
    • Where do certain groups live and why?
      • What can you do to improve their state of living?
      • Are they isolated or do they mix in well with the rest of the city?
  • Specific environmental monitoring
    • Cut down on water overuse
    • Eliminate light usage when not needed or when unoccupied
    • More accurate readings of soil/moisture so that sprinklers and the like do not turn on when it is not necessary.
  • Data derived from schoolchildren is ANONYMOUS. Used to identify general group criteria in order to form a holistic analysis of the community.
    • Where there are deficits, there are programs and initiatives to counteract them.
sep 30 2014 ∞
sep 30 2014 +