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i make lists of my favorite exo fanfiction when im bored

fanfics in each list are arranged by the ones that i like the most to the ones i like the least

//i mainly ship kaisoo, kaichen, suchen, taoris, baekyeol and baekris so naturally i read more fanfics about these pairings

listography NEW NEWS

(R) Kyungsoo is stuck in the hours while Jongin begs the seconds, because time stops for someone who can't remember and runs from someone who can't miss the last train home.

(NC-17) There are three tracks to Do Kyungsoo's life. Track A, trader at an investment bank. Track B, new recruit of a race crew called EXO. Track C... track C involves someone named Kai and a whole lot of bad decisions.

(NC-17) By the second bite, just about everything tastes like pain.

(PG) Where Jongin thrives on practicality...

aug 31 2013 ∞
feb 21 2014 +

(NC-17) Luhan has never really been able to get along with cats. Until Joonmyun gets one and his life is turned into even more insanity that it already is.

aug 31 2013 ∞
feb 21 2014 +

(NC-17) A part of Sehun has always belonged to the sea.

aug 31 2013 ∞
feb 21 2014 +

(PG-13) /no summary given/

aug 31 2013 ∞
feb 21 2014 +

(?) jongin hires reckless jockey chen to ride his little pony.

(NC-17) Chen is an assassin because he has nothing better to do. Kai is a ~working boy~. There is a fair amount of blood.

(PG) Kim Jongin works at a bookstore. Its nothing special, except for the regular customer that always manages to catch his attention as soon as he walks in the door.

aug 31 2013 ∞
feb 21 2014 +

(?) Chanyeol wanted a divorce. Baekhyun asked for a week.

(PG-13) Chanyeol isn’t the perfect robot but that’s okay with Baekhyun because he is anything but the perfect human. Loosely inspired by "Absolute Boyfriend" by Watase Yuu.

(R) /no summary given/

aug 31 2013 ∞
feb 21 2014 +

(M)Kyunsoo is the runt of the pack, beaten and dragged down his entire life and finding a mate is his only escape.

feb 21 2014 ∞
feb 21 2014 +

(NC-17) Shifting through space isn't entirely irreversible. Sometimes you leave bits of yourself behind.

aug 31 2013 ∞
feb 21 2014 +

(NC-17) Suho had picked Chen up from one of the lesser known dealers down on the south side.

(Rated M) Jongdae drowns in a society in which his kind is a disease. Disgusting. Low. Animalistic. He finds himself working in the Wu household as a simple servant. That's all he'll eber be able to amount to as, a wolf. In a world of beauty.

aug 31 2013 ∞
feb 21 2014 +

(NC-17) /no summary given/

aug 31 2013 ∞
feb 21 2014 +

(Rated M) Wolf princes Yifan and Zitao are to be mated in order for their kingdoms to join, creating an incredibly large and powerful force. Their objective is to take the Western Kingdom, the land that both of their packs have been looking to capture for hundreds of years. However, despite coming from a pack known for their 'beautiful and effective' fighting abilities, Zitao cannot fathom the idea of hurting someone.

(PG-13) Side story to Absolute Chanyeol. Kris will never be human enough.

aug 31 2013 ∞
feb 21 2014 +

(?) Serial killer's first crush. For the first time, someone has caught D.O's attention in an "I don't want to murder you" way. He tries his best to woo Chen with special methods (gifting severed heads/limbs, offering to kill people Chen doesn't like, burning things in Chen's honor, etc.), all the while keeping his disturbingly blank face.

feb 21 2014 ∞
feb 21 2014 +