• Sunsets, at the beach with 20 other people.
  • Church services where you realize your pastor hates Twilight almost as much as you do, but for better reasons.
  • Watching old seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and understanding my older sister just that much better for it.
  • My boyfriend, even when we start to grate on each others nerves.
  • Sleeping in, which I'm not going to be able to do tomorrow, because I have to be responsible and go to work.
  • Rings with swirl accents and fun stones.
  • David Tennant, for his amazing performance in Hamlet
  • Alex Day and Charlie McDonnell for introducing me to Doctor Who and in turn David Tennant.
  • Doctor Who and all the actors who have portrayed the Doctor since 2005.
aug 2 2010 ∞
aug 2 2010 +
  • The beautiful yellow dress in the window of Luly Lang's downtown.
  • My friends at work who bicker with each other, but at the end of the day know that they wouldn't have as much fun at this job if it weren't for each other.
  • Pam coming up to visit after she got off work, even if part of it was procrastination and anxiousness motivating her.
  • My bamboo plant that I still haven't named.
  • Playing with my kitties.
  • Listening to my iPod on shuffle and hearing pop, rock, country and metal within my 30 minute commute.
  • Getting to work early and having my friends beg me to buy them energy drinks and string cheese. And then having one of them pay with quarters.
  • My hair not looking as horrid as it did yesterday.
aug 3 2010 ∞
aug 3 2010 +