• when i was eight, i lifted my little brother off the piano bench and it fell on my toe, which swelled up. eventually the toenail fell off.
  • i skated into a chair and had to get four stitches in my chin.
  • i fell on the ice and my mom skated over my fingers. they got swollen i guess but to be honest i don't remember much of it. eventually the fingernails fell off, but they're okay today. we didn't even go to the hospital that time.
  • the first day i had handbrakes on my bike i went down the driveway and crashed into the neighbour's car at the bottom. my fingernail turned red and hurt. later, it fell off; same old, same old.
  • while visiting my grandma in bc, a neighbour slammed the car door on my hand. the nail changed colour, and my aunt tried to reassure me by telling me it looked like nailpolish. i knew better. it fell off.
  • i went biking down by the humber river and ran into a concrete barrier. i was wearing sandals, so my toe got hit pretty bad. it fell off eventually.
  • i got a kidney infection in october, 2017. i couldn't walk without crying and i threw up every time i tried to drink water or eat. i could have died
  • i fractured my wrist lifting a box at work onto a shelf in october 2017 shortly after my kidney infection. it didn't hurt much and took me a week to go to the hospital to get an xray for it. i sent a picture to my mom and she immediately called me to say i was holding my arm weird in the picture. i was like, no mom, it's just that swollen.
  • a car ran over my foot summer 2019. surprisingly, no bones were broken and it healed pretty quickly
  • later that summer, on my birthday, my (now ex-)boyfriend tried to give me a hug and poked me in the eye. i got a bad cornea scratch and spent a week in bed, visited the hospital three times and had to be on antibiotics for a week after.
mar 24 2013 ∞
feb 12 2021 +