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  • Tintoretto, The End of the World - Vampire the Masquerade TTRPG character

Malkavian vampire who believes she is the embodiment of the end of the world, and bent on it's destruction. Extremely fashionable. Has a cult of about 30 people she uses to feed and to slowly amass power. Holds ceremonial raves in an abandoned warehouse while she stands above, gazing upon her flock for the duration. Long, dark hair and a untrustworthy smile.

  • Prayer Wisecrack - Dungeon World TTRPG character.

Evil aligned(Shift danger or blame from yourself to someone else) Thief. A con man who sells non-fatal poisons as "alternative medicine", and sometime doubles as a "lifestyle guru". Huge showoff and criminal, very sketchy but hasn't managed to be arrested for anything yet. Short, cropp...

may 25 2018 ∞
may 25 2018 +