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This is a listography for WidMay entertainment's first ever boy group, SNUPER. All information you'll need to know about them will be updated here! | Last Updated: 180707 (PST)

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Basic Profile:

  • Full Name: Shim Sangil
  • DOB: 1993.05.01
  • Position: Main Vocal
  • Height: 179cm / 5'10"
  • Weight: 56kg / 123 lbs
  • Blood Type: O
  • Star Sign: Taurus
  • Nicknames: Sweat-Il
  • Personal Resume: 1

Other Info / Facts:

  • Although he's a vocal, he can rap really fast and wanted to be a rapper in the past
  • Is really good at doodling and drawing cars
  • Plays piano and considers the piano in their dorm his second most precious treasure. He likes how he can practice with the piano because he says he has a bad sense of pitch and can improve with it.
  • Sings a lot in the car and on the streets
  • He has only one dimple and the members call it "the dimple with no exit"
  • Wanted to be a painter, mathematician, president, designer, and rapper previous to being a singer
  • When asked about his ideal type, he said, “I like someone who talks attractively. I get comfortable and sympathy while talking. If I feel like I can communicate with this girl, it would make me happy. Indeed, it is hard to find someone I can communicate with well. I like such things more than appearance.”
    • Has also said that he likes cute, innocent, and feminine girls
  • Imitates "Detective Conan" as his individual talent
  • Is the only member who can't drink coffee and instead chooses tea
  • Sleeptalks and sings SNSD songs in his sleep
  • Apparently is a neat freak in the dorm; his bed is so clean and empty that the members say it doesn't even look like someone lives there
  • Changes the most in front of women by trying to say things that will make their heart race
  • Once got toe/foot fungus from practicing for too long so now he doesn't practice that long anymore and "wants to keep his toes beautiful"
  • If he could only eat one thing for the rest of his life, he'd choose to eat potatoes
  • If there was a zombie apocalypse, Sangho says Sangil would die first because "he sucks/he's a loser"
  • Likes to play a video game called "Worm"
  • WOuld sing Dean's "21" to propose to his significant other
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