• Falling in love with Johnny Foreigner for the first time, sitting in a seat alone on a bus driving to a band competition, the sun setting and my head resting against a window and driving through the bad neigbourhoods and feeling so good on the inside despite a certain boy sitting in a seat that wasn't mine
  • Playing a cell phone version of the board game LIFE with a senior boy who I was slightly infatuated with my freshmen year on the evening of a band concert. Looking back I feel like we had an honest friendship for a few months despite the fact that I barely opened my mouth around him.
  • Waking up late one morning in a condo in Florida alone, and straightening up the kitchen to a state of my liking and basically making it my own house. It was really when I first realized how ready I am to be on my own, without the help of anyone....
jan 12 2011 ∞
jan 12 2011 +
  • Tragic romance, something twisted and beautiful and heartbreaking and obviously destined for doom but feels to good to not pursue it
  • Regained inspiration so I can actually finish something
  • A job or some way to make a steady income of cash flow
  • My license, so I can cruise around and stuff
  • My undercut to finish growing, it's so scrubby looking
jan 11 2011 ∞
jan 12 2011 +
  • Who calls me on my house phone and chats to my little sister when she answers it
  • Who has steady hands and wouldn't mind painting my nails for me
  • Who buys packages of tea from the grocery store and gives me half of the tea bags
  • Who has good music taste without my prodding but also likes things that I don't like so we can bother each other by playing their music in the car
  • Who dresses like Ezra Koenig and uses big words but ends his sentences in stupid colloquialisms constantly
  • Who puts stupidly funny things on my facebook wall everyday
  • Who can take a joke
  • Who buys me balloons for no reason and when it's my birthday or Christmas or Valentine's Day, gives me a book or two instead of jewelry
  • Who scratches my back for me
jan 11 2011 ∞
jan 17 2011 +