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feel free to call me romi or michelle idm

i'm 20 years old and my gender is TWUNK.

i use he/him and she/her pronouns and prefer masculine gendered identifiers :^)

@winterhell_ is my luvly qpp and @yarnpika is my bestest bud and i love them both to Death

i mostly draw but im an aspiring singer and translyricist!

ENG/VIỆT okay!(nói hay hon viết, mà em đọc mò đụoc một chút ^^)

i'm trying to become fluent in spanish and japanese and aiming to take the N5 in the future, so if you'd like to strike up a conversation in either language, i'd be more than happy to!

jun 18 2016 ∞
sep 27 2017 +

Please don't follow me if:

  • If you ship Nazuna/Shu, Izumi/Makoto, or incest ships
  • You're against otherkin/fickin or will make fun of them
  • ESPECIALLY not if you know me irl

There's no age limit if you want to follow me, and the stuff I say/RT here tends to be PG-13 at most, but please keep in mind that I am a legal adult where I live.

I also use she/her pronouns for Arashi and believe she's canonically a trans girl. I don't really want to start drama over it, so let's just please agree to disagree if you think otherwise?

jun 24 2016 ∞
aug 5 2017 +
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main interests:

  • Enstars! (Rab*itsP!! also lowkey KnightsP and RyuuseitaiP)
  • Kpop/KR&B(SVT/SHINee/Ladies Code)-i'm not obsessed with it/a part of "stan culture" but i do talk about it quite a bit
  • Tokyo 7th Sisters (Sanpon RibbonP, SumireP,and HinaP!)
  • A3! (i love summer troupe, yuki, taichi, muku, and kazunari!!)


  • Love Live!
  • Love Live Sunshine!
  • Other mobage like Bandori, Deresute, Housamo
  • Katekyo Hitman Reborn (please talk to me about khr)
  • Vocaloid (Mikito-P; Miki SF-A2 and Iroha are my fave voicebanks!)
  • Pokemon
jun 23 2016 ∞
jul 15 2017 +

If we're mutuals, I'd love if you could tag:

  • Pictures of irl/realistic moths with [/moths]
  • An important one: please please tag your incest with [/incest] bc it makes me especially uncomfortable due to personal reasons. i won't hesitate to block you if I see untagged incest on my TL.
sep 9 2016 ∞
jul 15 2017 +