• ¹ rai zuzu bean
  • ² xe he + she, 20, true neutral, intp, 6w5
  • ³ sun scorpio, moon pisces, ascendant capricorn
  • ⁴ &&. socials spotify carrd discord
    • if we're close you can also have my private twt. please ask for my insta and snapchat
  • ⁵ &&. extra pronouny
  • likes music, art, creative writing, reading, sleeping, anime, sunsets, cats, red, stationary, sour candy, daydreaming, editing, frappes, coffee, the hunger games, video games
  • dislikes the dark, bugs, hot weather, tight spaces, exams, loud noises, public speaking, large crowds, feeling lonely, maths, heights (to a certain extent)
nov 10 2020 ∞
jun 3 2023 +