- Ace Fishing: Paradise Blue
- Bang Dream
- Chocolate Tycoon - ♡X (this game was so cute TT)
- Crusaders Quest
- Cupcake Maker Games
- Cytus
- Deathsmiles - ♡ (I hope to play this again on the Nintendo Switch soon)
- Deemo
- Game Dev Story
- HideAndSeek [Story of Dorothy]
- Fight List
- Hot Springs Story
- Icon Pop Quiz
- Jet Set Go
- Kick the Buddy
- Kung Fu Pets
- Machinarium
- Mega Mall Story
- MOE can Change! (I recently gained back access to my 2014 account for old time's sake and... this game is cringier than I remembered and it lags to high heaven ⸝⸝⸝o⸝⸝⸝o⸝⸝⸝ Still kind of cute though)
- Mystic Messenger
- Nyan Cat: Lost in Space
- One Piece Treasure Cruise
- Osu!droid
- Osu!stream
- Pocket Academy
- Potion Maker
- Love Live School Idol Festival
- Sad Princess - X
- Skullgirls
- Soccer Spirits
- The Battle Cats
Hatsune Miku/Vocaloid:
- Hatsune Miku AR LIVE (I remembered printing out the cut-out required to get Hatsune Miku to dance on your screen and it worked! 14 yr old me was fangirling hard TT What it looked like)
- Miku Labo (a battery widget)
- Miku AR camera
- Music Girl Hatsune Miku - X
- Vigorous eyes!2 (I would download any vocaloid-related app, no matter how weird. One of which was this strange but helpful "stretching" app)
- おやすみメルリ (good night merli) (very cute! merli "counts sheep" for you)
- laundry sorting game IOS (it was hand-drawn animation and if you lose, an annoyed voice will play out lol)
jan 21 2025 ∞
feb 17 2025 +