millie's listography
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(On The Bubble .)
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(spanish verbs / verb phrases)
abanderar - to register
abrir - to open
aburrir - to bore
acabar - to finish / to end
acabar de + infinitive - to have just + done something
aceptar - to accept
acoger - to welcome / to receive
acordar - to do something
acostar - to go to bed
ahorrar - to save
alcanzar - to reach
almorzar - to have lunch
alojar - to accommodate
alquilar - to rent / to hire
amar - to love
andar - to walk
apagar - to put out / to extinguish
aparecer - to appear
apetecer - to fancy
apoyarse - to support yourself
aprender - to learn
aprobar - to pass
aprovechar - to make good use of
asistir - to attend
ayudar - to help
ayudar a los démas - to help others
bailar - to dance
bajar - to get down / to get off
batir - to break
beber - to drink
bostezar - to yawn
bucear - to snorkel
buscar - to look for
caber - to fit
caer - to fall
cambiar - to change
caminar - to walk
cansar - to tire (out)
cantar - to sing
casar - to marry / to get married
celebrar - to celebrate
cenar - to have dinner
cerrar - to close
chatear - to chat
cocinar - to cook
coger - to pick up / to take / to catch
combinar - to combine
comenzar - to start / to begin
comer - to eat
compartir - to share
comportarse - to behave
comprar - to buy
comprender - to understand
conducir - to drive
conocer - to know / to meet
conocerse - to know yourself
conseguir - to obtain / to get
considerar - to consider
construir - to build
contar - to count / to tell
contestar - to answer
corregir - to correct
correr - to run
cortar - to cut
costar - to cost
covertir - to convert / to change
crear - to create
crecer - to grow
creer - to believe / to think
cruzar - to cross
cubrir - to cover
cumplir - to achieve
dar - to give
deber - to owe / to have to
decidir - to decide
decir - to say / to tell
defender - to defend / to stand up for
dejar - to leave / to allow
desayunar - to have breakfast
descargar - to download
descubrir - to discover
desear - to wish
despedir - to say goodbye
despertar - to wake up
destruir - to destroy
devolver - to return
dibujar - to draw
dirigir - to direct / to manage
disfrutar - to enjoy
divertir - to entertain / to have fun
divertise - to have fun
doler - to hurt
dormir - to sleep
duchar - to shower
echar - to throw
elegir - to choose
emborracharse - to get drunk
empezar - to start
encantar - to love
encender - to light / to turn on
encontrar - to find
encontrar - to find
enfadarse - to get annoyed
enseñar - to teach
entender - to understand
entrar - to enter
entrenarse - to be released
enviar - to send
escoger - to choose
escribir - to write
escuchar - to listen
esperar - to wait
esperar - to wait / to hope
estar - to be
estudiar - to study
exigir - to demand
existir - to exist
explicar - to explain
fastidiar - to annoy / be annoying
formar - to form / to make
fracasar - to fail
ganar - to earn / to win
gastar - to spend
graber - to film
gustar - to like
haber - to be there
haber - to have (done) / to be there
habilitar - to fill out / to authorise
habitar - to inhabit
habituar - to get used to
hablar - to speak / to talk
hacer - to do / to make
hacer cola - to queue
hacerse - to become / make yourself
hackear - to hack
halagar - to flatter
hartar - to get bored/tired of
helar - to freeze
henchir - to fill
herir - to hurt
hervir - to boil
hinchar - to swell
hospedar - to provide accommodation
hostigar - to bother / to pester
huir - to run away / to escape
incluir - to include
iniciar - to start
inspirar - to inspire
intentar - to try
invernar - to spend the winter
ir (de nuevo) - to go (again)
jugar - to play
lavar - to wash
leer - to read
levantar - to get up / to raise
limpiar - to clean
llamar - to call
llamarse - to be called
llegar - to arrive
llenar - to fill
llevar - to carry
llevarse - to get on
llorar - to cry
llover - to rain
lograr - to achieve / to manage to
luchar - to fight
malgastar - to waste
mandar - to order / to send (messages)
manejar - to handle / to use / to manage
mantener - to maintain / to keep
medir - to measure
mentir - to lie
mezclar - to mix
mirar - to watch / to look at
molestar - to annoy
montar - to ride
morir - to die
mostrar - to show
mover - to move
nacer - to be born
nadar - to swim
necesitar - to need
no hacer nada - to not do anything
obtener - obtain / to win / to get
ocurrir - to occur / to happen
odiar - to hate
ofrecer - to offer
oír - to hear
oler - to smell
olvidar - to forget
organizar - to organise
pagar - to pay
parar - to stop
parecer - to seem / to look / to appear
partir - to leave
pasar - to happen / to pass
patinar - to skate
pedir - to ask for
pelearse - to fight
pensar - to think
perder - to lose
perder - to love
permitir - to allow / to permit
poder - to be able to
poner - to put / to put on / to show
practicar - to practise
preferir - to prefer
preguntar - to ask
preparar - to prepare
presentar - to introduce / to present
prestar - to lend
probar - to taste / to try (on)
producir - to produce
proteger - to protect
quedar - to stay
quejar - to complain
querer - to want / to love
quitar - to take off
realizar - to achieve
recargar - to recharge
recaudar - to raise (money, funds)
recibir - to receive
recoger - to pick up
recomendar - to recommend
reconocer - to recognise
recordar - to remember
registrar - to register
regresar - to go back / to come back
reír - to laugh
relajarse - to relax
remar - to row
repasar - to revise
repetir - to repeat
reservar - to book / reserve
resolver - to resolve
restringir - to restrict
resultar - to turn out
rezar - to pray
rezar - to pray
rogar - to beg
romper - to break
saber - to know / to taste
sacar - to get / to take (out)
salir - to go out
salir al mercado - to come out (onto the market)
secar - to dry
seguir - to follow
sentar - to sit
sentir - to feel
ser - to be
servir - to serve / to function
significar - to mean
soler + infinitive - to usually do something
sonar - to sound
sonreír - to smile
soreír - to smile
subir - to go up / to come up
suponer - to suppose
suspender - to fail
tabajar - to work
tener - to have
tener éxito - to be successful
tener ganas de + infinitive - to fancy/feel like + doing something
tener lugar - to take place
terminar - to finish
tocar - to play (instruments)
tomar - to take
trabajar - to work
traducir - to translate
traer - to bring
tratar - to treat / to try
tratar de - to be about
usar - to use
utilizar - to use
valer - to be worth
velar - to guard
vender - to sell
venir - to come
ver - to see / to watch
veranear - to spend the summer
vestir - to wear / to dress
viajar - to travel
violar - to violate
visitar - to visit
vivir - to live
volar - to fly
volver - to return / to come back
feb 27 2019 ∞
aug 6 2019 +