i don't belong to the world, that's what it is. something separates me from other people. everywhere i turn, there's something blocking my escape.
- If only they would just die.
- I hate what it feels like to be me and not you.
- PROJECTIONIST: Why would you ever want to be like everybody else?
- PEARL: I don’t know. Sometimes it just seems more peaceful, I guess.
- All I really want is to be loved. I'm having such a hard time without it lately.
- PEARL: Why do you hate me, Mama?
- MOTHER: I only want what's best.
- PEARL: When do I get what I want?
- Seems like there’s something missing in me that the rest of the world has.
- MOTHER: I shoulder a burden you will never understand, spend my days feeding and wiping the snot off the face of the man I married. You dare sit there and talk to me about regret? I was supposed to be his wife, not his mother!
- Sometimes I wake in the middle of night and the fear washes over me 'cause what if this is it? What if this is right where I belong?