Yeah, I think that would be it for starters.
>2) Posters cannot reference themselves as or imply that they are non-virgins. >3) Do not make porn threads or post porn (clothed and nude) for the sole intent of fawning over, but NSFW posting is allowed >4) Camwhoring(tinychat/omegle),hookup, "rate me" threads, and posts and threads regarding relationships should go on /soc/. >5) Person worship threads (like Ashley Jones/Rose threads) are not allowed.
>2) Posters cannot reference themselves as or imply that they are non-virgins.
>3) Do not make porn threads or post porn (clothed and nude) for the sole intent of fawning over, but NSFW posting is allowed BUT with spoilers.
>4) Camwhoring(tinychat/omegle),hookup, "rate me" threads, and posts and threads regarding relationships should go on /soc/.
>5) Person worship threads (like Ashley Jones/Rose threads) are not allowed. ////////////////////
$(document).ready(function() { var filteredTerms = ["politics"]; $(".thread").each(function(index) { var threadSubject = $(this).find(".subject:first"); if (filteredTerms.some(function(v) { return threadSubject.text().toLowerCase().indexOf(v.toLowerCase()) >= 0; }) && threadSubject.parent().parent().hasClass("post-hidden") !== true) { threadSubject.parent().siblings(".hide-post-link").trigger("click"); }
}); });
// Modernization attempt. $(() => $(".subject").map( (_, x) => /politic/i.test(x.textContent) && !x.closest(".post-hidden") && $(x.closest(".thread").querySelector(".hide-post-link")).click() ) );
, . ☀️ . . . ✦ ,
Be a male virgin who does not hate male virgins or male virginity, including male virgins whose virginity stems from being worse off than him, socially, educationally, financially, genetically or otherwise.2 necessarily extends to not hating himself and his own virginity, and most of the worst incel qualities would be excluded and most of the best volcel qualities would be encouraged in consequence
Keep everything clientside, and there's no need for moderation, as the server owner has no defacto ability to see what's posted and the users can filter out spammers by private messaging eachother passwords, forming their own per-community web of trust. Go even further and just make the board an encrypted fileserver, put everything in a browser extension that can pull from a list of servers that support the format. Since everything encrypted and the service is redundant, running a server isn't very risky, and neither is pulling from untrusted servers. Everyone runs one if they want, and includes all the links they find to the list they draw posts from.
Advantages - impossible for the server to track anything more than your IP, since the client is on your computer and thus the server can't shove scripts or cookies at you nor receive browser fingerprints or anything. Also since boards are on various servers nobody can know you go to /zoo/ except for the owner of that board itself. - decentralization makes it impossible to censor or shut down since people can easily run their own servers with their own rules, and nobody else can do shit about it. - simpler/faster server architecture is possible since it doesn't need to render HTML pages at all, and can more intelligently request information (as opposed to loading everything every pageview). - much more customizable than some shitty webpage that comes as a fixed html document with a bunch of unnamed elements all over in awkward configurations and is inconsistent between pages and possibly changes periodically. Yes I'm looking at 8chan right now. - possibly more interesting features since it's a desktop program, for example opening files in your own programs (e.g. videos in MPCHC) without having to "download" it, or you could add your reaction image folder in the settings and it'll show files from it automatically when you add an image. Maybe you could give it a folder and it'll post all the files in it one by one. Disadvantages - board naming and linking to them is harder. Instead of typing just >>>/tech/, you'd have to type >>> or something, which will get much more annoying if the server doesn't have a neat and short URL like that. Also you can't just say "/v/ is shit" or "/prog/ is better" since you can't tell which server is being referred to. - hard to embed things like youtube since it requires a web browser system. - maybe harder to add a cloudflare botnet. I don't know how that kind of thing works but you could probably add 2 server "modes", the normal one lets the client request anything however it wants, and the second one only serves fixed JSON "pages" that can then be cached by cloudflare or whatever. - harder to make custom styles unless the client uses some esoteric UI system. Simple color swaps could be easy though. - features will be limited to the user's client and the server owner can't really change it. For example if the client didn't display announcements on the page, there's no way for the server owner to make them appear. It's fine if the client attempts to support everything imaginable though.
>If you want to create a product that is engaging and/or addictive, satisfy the seeking system and affective reward system — allow people to explore, express themselves, and receive positive social cues based on their input.
Also, Imageboards as they are have -nyms as an afterthought, or are actively discouraged. I would have it set up more like a traditional BBS, except that registration would never be required, nor actively discouraged. I would probably also have it set up so that the user can have their own imageboard on their machine that only they can access, where they can set it up to post to other boards, forums, mailing lists, usenets, blags, other fairly benign systems, dreadits, twatters, faceblocks, and other not so benign systems. Also, I would have it set up so that anyone can mirror/host any posts they like, and so that anyone would be able to access the posts they would want from any of the available mirrors. this might 'solve' the moderation problem, by having the information markets, and, for some people, their own personal taste as well, decide what information is kept and what is not. If people want to read soykaf posts, let them read soykaf posts, but they'll have to pay for it anyway, so they'll have even more incentive to not read soykaf posts, and by not reading soykaf posts, they will effectively vote with their ears (really, with their wallets, but that would be dictated by their ears, so yeah.), so the readers will be an en masse moderation, which would be resistant to censorship, because anyone would be able to quickly mirror it as soon as it's up, and decide for themselves whether it's something worth supporting, and there are always enough cultured people who will uphold high culture regardless of immediate profits, who will be, have always been, and are currently, the only true bastions of free culture. Also, I would have it set up so that people could charge other people however much for accessing their copies of the content, advertizing the prices, of course, so that there is no need for advertizing and other bad practises so common on the internet, and so that people can make an extra buck by having their cinderblock do something other than idling 90% of the time, other than the cliche cryptomining, etc.
Captcha's (this isn't merged yet because it doesn't integrate well, it also isn't enabled here)
Filters (If post has certain criteria then either prevent post from being posted or delete post after certain time frame or some other action) Field input randomization and Spam Hash. (this is inherited from tinyboard) Manual deletion by moderators Report notification bot which notifies moderators and janitors of reported posts.
User names, passwords and certificates are useful as a filtering mechanism, anyway. One thing about communities is that they generally have some gateway requirement to ensure that people really interested in the community get in (because they'll make the effort to fulfill) the requirement and everyone else stays out.
are users interested in this? is x disruptive to the discussion of y?
first option
turn chan into an irc model. IRC has multiple servers for one signal "channel". like wise have a bunch of nodes running chan and allow nodes to take the load of chan. Hard to ddoss when there isnt a signal attack point and its spread out.
second option
multi parallel dimension string theory chan.
have a bunch of independent chans boards, which use the same api. each chan will show what the other chans are doing. so for example you have bananachan and applechan and strawberrychan each would have their own pols and bs shit. banachan pol would show whats on applechan and strawberry pol and likewise for the other chans. and maybe even each one would archive the others.
In a tightly-moderated community people who don't contribute will get derezzed. In a highly-political community discussions will descend into tribe-fights, and one tribe will push all the others out. In a lightly-moderated community trolls and soykafposters will drive everyone else out, before turning on each other. "Good moderation" in my opinoin is as much about deciding WHO your community is intended for as WHAT people will be allowed to do.
This is one of the reasons why I think that a diverse web is such a big deal: With only a handful of massive websites, either their communities end up so weakly connected that they can barely be called "communities", or a lot of people end up with very few places they can fit in.
It's actually a revolutionary idea for an emergent, viral, self-moderating system.
Apparently links can open pages into an iframe if the iframe has a name="" and the link has the equivalent target="". Webm related is this in action, it's loading and reloading a captcha form page in an iframe, without any scripts required. The idea is that if you've already completed captcha, then it'll simply load a text that says so. If you need a daily captcha, then that will show up instead. If you fail the captcha then it'll just refresh and show a different one. The downside is that there might be more clicks per post, but I think that's a lesser evil, plus you can fix it for people who have scripts enabled anyway.
I find that in many sites the captcha loads when you open the page, and by the time you type it out it's already expired, and then you have to go back a page and risk losing your post etc. And that's on top of the fact that you may fail the captcha normally, and always have to re-upload files. And on top of THAT, there's usually a daily captcha that might have expired. It's just a huge headache without scripts since you can't check/send the captcha before submitting or open a popup.
Someone also mentioned loading="lazy" for images, I added that to all thumbnails and it's amazing. You can load catalogs and huge threads without having to load every single image every time. Can't tell if it will be annoying if the server is slow though, remains to be seen I guess.
>everyone can make and moderate a board >everyone can make and moderate a thread >everyone can make and moderate a post (editing own posts or banning self)
$('#body').attr('rows', 10).attr('cols', 80); $('hr:last').before($('form:first')); }