Design a house & I'll tell you which inhabitant of an enchanted forest you are ➺ King of the enchanted forest

  • ❝ what are you even doing, man? you don't even know about half the creatures that live in this forest, how are you fit to rule it? you better find a solid co-leader and you better find them fast. himbo. ❞

What is your love language? ➺ Sharing your orange segments

  • ❝ oh so you're fruity, huh. You're selfless, perhaps to a fault, and consequently place other's needs above your own. You care unfathomable amounts about those who you love, and ensuring they are happy is your top priority, this is simply your way of communicating affection. Consider eating an orange to yourself once in a while, you deserve this type of love too. ❞

I'll designate you X to lovers ➺ Friends

  • ❝ first comes understanding. there's something about them that you just *get*, and they get you. you're soft around each other, extra considerate, allowing this person into the domesticity of your life just because they make the little moments better. because you like to see them happy. they deserve to be happy, after all. you want what's best for them because they're your f... you want them to be more than your friend. you look at them and see someone so completely worth loving, and it kills you not to be able to say that to them - what if you lose what you have? it's enough, you tell yourself, just to be able to love someone so fully. it's enough just to be near them. of course, meanwhile, they are thinking all the same things about you, wondering if your small gestures actually mean something, or if they're reading too much into it. things are so good now, maybe it's not worth upsetting. you live in the torturous pleasure of their orbit, but one day, the truth comes out, and the relief that comes is the sweetest you have ever tasted. ❞

what were your hands meant to do? ➺ nourish

  • ❝ Maybe you should invest in flour. You work, work hard and sometimes you feel like that’s all you can do. That it'll never pay off. But there’s no greater feeling than to see the joy you bring to others, to see them succeed with the tools you gave them. You may not be a leader, but a leader’s spine, shoulders, ribs. You are the dawn before the sun. It’s sweet, too sweet, but it’s better than nothing. You are endless golden fields, salt of the earth, and the lives of all who devour it. ❞

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apr 11 2023 ∞
aug 27 2023 +