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ok so i lowk couldnt finish writing that cuz i had 20 pages of CS questions to do (i didn't finish it but an attempt was made ok) but new day new me icba to do a lesson by lesson recap buttt today i gotta get home, eat, change, leave in 45 mins take 1hr 15 min bus to a sixth form im tryna go to, spend an hour and a half there, take an hour 15min bus back and get home at sum pisstaking time like 8:30 to go do my mountains of biology work i ALSO forgot to do for the last few weeks oh my days kill me NEOW. luckily thats the only piece i have for tomorrow (hopefully) last night was absolute hell i fell asleep like 3 times while tryna do these questions, stayed up til 2am, woke up at 6am and couldn't do anything cuz i kept falling asleep til like 7:20 then i had to just get up n go to school goddamn,, so i only got half of that done and was falling asleep the entirety of my 2hr geography class which otherwise was quite chill js some basic notetaking and easy questions then CS where i fucking hate my classmates like no one wants to hear you screeching your fucking project sekai songs when we're tryna do ethics and legal shit like put the fries in the bag man, then there are these girls who just fight every goddamn lesson like tryna slap eachother for no reason and theyre always js screeching laughing like how is ts funny EVERY SINGLE WEEK. luckily i could talk shit w my friend ab it so i wasnt too overwhelmed lunch was okay tbh.. i enjoyed my curry and i had a kitkat yay maths was longg and i found out my annoying ass ex is going to the open evening tonight so now im dreading it like fuck off man jesus currently sat in english,, they're talking through the mark scheme which i have pages of notes analysing so im here now lol i lowk dont know what im gonna do for dinner cuz i dont want a sandwich but i need something portable... arghhhh a few days ago i watched a different schools open evening and i still like that school, i do need to watch it back tho cuz i missed some bits sighh its rlly prestigious so i dont know if im gonna get in but im trying anyways