- 135 Books
- The Long Loneliness, Dorothy Day
- On Truth and Untruth, Nietzsche
- Disturbing the Universe, Freeman Dyson
- Systematic Theology, Vol. 3, Paul Tillich
- The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, Vol. 1, Cottingham, Stoothoff, Murdoch
- There is a God, Antony Flew
- 2084: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity, John C. Lennox
- Five Families, Selwyn Raab
- The Will to Power, Friedrich Nietzsche
- The God of the Bible and the God of the Philosophers, Eleonore Stump, read twice
- Recounting, Luis Goytisolo
- Redeeming the Life of the Mind, ed. Frame, Grudem, Hughes
- A New Critique of Theoretical Thought, Herman Dooyeweerd
- Lectures on Russian Literature, Vladimir ...
jan 1 2023 ∞ dec 27 2023 +
- 109 Books
- On the Genealogy of Morals, Nietzsche
- Ecce Homo, Nietzsche
- The Midnight Line, Lee Child
- Genesis, Bruce Waltke
- Echoes of Coinherence, Ross Hastings
- Modern Man in Search of a Soul, Carl Jung
- Bellevue Square, Michael Redhill
- Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Nietzsche
- The Quantum Labyrinth, Paul Halpern
- The Dynamics of Transformation, Grant Maxwell
- Hannah's Child: A Theologians Memoir, Stanley Hauerwas
- Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche
- Metaphysics, A Very Short Introduction, Stephen Mumford
- Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology, Jonathan Dancy
- Nietzsche on Epistemology and Metaphysics...
dec 31 2017 ∞ dec 30 2018 +
- 59 Books
- The Love of Wisdom, Steven Cowan, James Spiegel
- Shake Hands with the Devil, Romeo Dallaire
- Running Scared, Ed. T. Welch
- Fortune's Children, Arthur T. Vanderbilt
- The 40s, The Story of a Decade, The New Yorker
- In My Home There is No More Sorrow, Rick Bass
- Intellectuals Don't Need God, Alister McGrath
- The Day of the Jackal, Frederick Forsyth
- The Dogs of War, Frederick Forsyth
- Spurgeon's Sorrows, Zack Eswine
- The Germans in Normandy, Richard Hargreaves
- The Dumb Ox, G.K. Chesterton
- In the Jaws of the Black Dogs, John Bentley Mays
jan 5 2016 ∞ jan 9 2017 +
- Books I've Read 2010
- Books I've Read 2011
- Books I've Read 2012
- Books I've Read 2013
- Books I've Read 2014
- Books I've Read 2015
- Books I've Read 2016
- Books I've Read 2017
- Books I've Read 2018
- Books I've Read 2019
- Books I've Read 2020
- Books I've Read 2021
- Books I've Read 2022
- Books I've Read 2023
- Books I've Read 2024
- Chipmunks Relocated
- Coffee Beans I've Tried
- Coffee: Health Benefits
- Cottage Days 2012
- Cottage Days 2013
- Cottage Days 2014
apr 4 2015 ∞ jan 2 2024 +
- Fransk Kontinental, Norway
- Kicking Horse Coffee, 454 Horse Power
- Kicking Horse Coffee, Z Wrangler
- Kicking Horse Coffee, Grizzly Claw
- Kicking Horse Coffee, Three Sisters
- Kicking Horse Coffee, Kick Ass
- Kicking Horse Coffee, Mexican
- Kicking Horse Coffee, Cliff Hanger Espresso
- Van Houtte, Columbia
- Van Houtte, Sumatra
- Van Houtte, Honduras
- Van Houtte, Costa Rica
- Van Houtte, Mexico
- Van Houtte, Kenya
- The Fire Roasted Coffee Company, Guatemala
- Midnight Sun Coffee Roasters, Mule Skinners Blend
- Starbucks, Guatemala Antigua
- Starbucks, Single Origin, Guatemala, Hueh...
feb 18 2010 ∞ sep 12 2023 +
- 36 days
- 13 April
- 12 May
- 10 June
- 15 June (Picnic)
- 30 June
- 1 July
- 2 July
- 9 July
- 10 July
- 21 July
- 22 July
- 24 July
- 25 July
- 1 August
- 3 August
- 5 August
- 6 August
- 7 August
- 11 August
- 19 August
jan 1 2014 ∞ oct 24 2014 +
- Herbal Tea!
- Building projects that take forever to complete
- Any coffee that isn't Tim Hortons
- A church service without a sermon
- Crowded center aisle displays in stores
- Someone touching her hair
- Plants that won't stay where they're planted
- People that squeeze too hard when they shake your hand
- Disorganized stores
dec 10 2013 ∞ jan 15 2015 +
- 60 books
- A Puritan Theology, Joel Beeke & Mark Jones
- White Noise, Don Dellilo
- Memoirs of an Addicted Brain, Marc Lewis
- The Bible, ESV
- Ludwig Wittgenstein, Ray Monk
- The Lost Soul of American Protestantism, D.G. Hart
- Son of the Morning Star, Evan S. Connell
- Westminster Seminary California: A New Old School, W. Robert Godfrey and D.G. Hart
- The Headmaster's Wager, Vincent Lam
- The Law of Perfect Freedom, Michael Horton
- U-turn in the Fast Lane, Rebecca Dye Heron
- Standing in Another Man's Grave, Ian Rankin
- Paris 1919, Margaret MacMillan
dec 31 2012 ∞ dec 31 2013 +
- 77 days
- 28 April
- 1 May
- 9 June
- 11 June
- 14 June
- 18 June
- 19 June
- 20 June
- 21 June
- 23 June
- 25 June
- 26 June
- 28 June
- 30 June
- 1 July
- 2 July
- 3 July
- 5 July
- 7 July
- 8 July
dec 31 2012 ∞ oct 14 2013 +
- focus on my core values: love, joy, peace
- never look for happiness anywhere than within
- practice acceptance
- be content with things as they are
- "be the change..."
- don't try to fix other people
- love God, self, and others intentionally
- believe that "the future is friendly"
- give myself permission to have joy
- listen to God and let him speak to me (i.e. don't do all the talking myself)
- practice positive affirmations
- be alert to any negative messages I may be creating
- be present in the present
- celebrate the joy of having so many interesting things to do
- practice awareness of my inner life
dec 24 2009 ∞ jan 1 2010 +
- The Bible
- Van Til's Apologetic, Greg Bahnsen
- Reformed Dogmatics (4 Vol.), Herman Bavinck
- New Testament Biblical Theology, G.K. Beale
- The Closing of the American Mind, Alan Bloom
- Bobby Fischer, Profile of a Prodigy, Frank Brady
- In Patagonia, Bruce Chatwin
- The Gospel According to the Harvard Business School, Peter Cohen
- Prince of Tides, Pat Conroy
- The Cornish Trilogy, Robertson Davies
- An American Childhood, Annie Dillard
- For the Time Being, Annie Dillard
- Pilgrin at Tinker's Creek, Annie Dillard
- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky
- The Brother's Karamazov, Dostoevsky
- The Four Quartets, T.S. Eliot
dec 19 2009 ∞ mar 22 2022 +
- 136 Books
- The Chess Artist, J.C. Hallman
- Metaphysics: The Big Questions, ed. Peter Van Inwagen and Dean Zimmerman
- Truth, Hector Macdonald
- Plato, David Talcott
- The Gospel of John, Vol. I, James Montgomery Boice
- Love's Labor's Lost, Shakespeare
- The Complete Poems of Hart Crane
- The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, Carson McCullers
- The Comedy of Errors, Shakespeare
- A History of Philosophy, Vol. VIII, Frederick Copleston
- The Anatomy of Influence, Harold Bloom
- The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Shakespeare
- Henry VI, Part One, Shakespeare
- Blood and Belonging, Michael Ignatieff
- Henry VI, Part Two, Shakespeare
- Human Life, Action and Ethics, G.E.M. Ans...
jan 2 2024 ∞ dec 29 2024 +
- 150 Books
- Tell Me A Story, Cassandra King Conroy
- The Essential Rilke
- What Nietzsche Really Said, Robert Solomon and Kathleen Higgins
- Nietzsche, John Armstrong
- The Modern Mind, Peter Watson
- Scattered Minds, Gabor Mate
- Epictetus, Discourses, Fragments, Handbook
- Being and Truth, Martin Heidegger
- The Works of John Flavel, Volume 2
- 2666, Roberto Bolano
- The Dying Grass, William T. Vollmann
- The Classical World, Nigel Spivey
- Lenten Lands, Douglas Gresham
- A History of Knowledge, Charles Van Doren
- Going to Meet the Man, James Baldwin
- The Best of Chess Life and Review, Vol. 1
jan 1 2021 ∞ jan 1 2022 +
- 173 Books
- The Will to Power, Nietzsche
- Nietzsche on Morality, Brian Leiter
- Contemporary Philosophy, Frederick Copleston
- Is The Mormon My Brother, James White
- Hegel, Charles Taylor
- Human, All Too Human, Nietzsche
- Sheldon Vanauken, Will Vaus
- Early Greek Philosophy, Jonathan Barnes
- Loving to Know: Covenant Epistemology, Esther Lightcap Meeks
- God, Revelation and Authority, Vol. V, Carl FH Henry
- Faith and Understanding, Paul Helm
- Descartes: The Project of Pure Enquiry, Bernard Williams
- The Dawn of Day, Nietzsche
- Invitation to the Septuagint, Karen Jobes and Moises Silva
- Fear and Trembling, Kierkegaard
jan 1 2020 ∞ dec 25 2020 +
- 132 Books
- Nietzsche's On the Genealogy of Morality, ed. Simon May
- Nietzsche's Enlightenment, Paul Franco
- I Am Dynamite! A Life of Nietzsche, Sue Prideaux
- A History of Philosophy, Vol. VII, Frederick Copleston
- The Philosophy of Nietzsche, Rex Welshon
- Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche
- Nietzsche on Morality, Brian Leiter
- Human, All too Human, Nietzsche
- Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist, Walter Kaufmann
- A History of Philosophy, Volume IX, Frederick Copleston
- G.W.F. Hegel, Shao Kai Tseng
- Alone, Admiral Richard E. Byrd
- Crowded with Genius, The Scottish Enlightenment, James Buchan
- The Gay Science, Nietzsche
jan 9 2019 ∞ dec 21 2019 +
- 62 Books
- Jonathan Edward's Theology: A Reinterpretation, Kyle C. Strobel
- Invitation to the Septuagint, Karen H. Jobes and Moises Silva
- My Brilliant Friend, Elena Ferrante
- Bel Canto, Ann Patchett
- The Skull Beneath the Skin, P.D. James
- Angels Flight, Michael Connelly
- Black Ice, Michael Connelly
- Lincoln Lawyer, Michael Connelly
- Doris Lessing, Carole Klein
- Night School, Lee Child
- Reformed Dogmatics, Volume 1, Prolegomena, Herman Bavinck
- R.D. Laing: A Life, Adrian Laing
- Hillbilly Elegy, J.D. Vance
- The Text of the New Testament, Bruce Metzger and Bart Ehrman
- Foucault, A Very Short Introduction, Gary Gutting
jan 9 2017 ∞ dec 26 2017 +
- 16 April
- 17 April
- 14 June
- 15 June
- 2 November
apr 17 2016 ∞ nov 2 2016 +
- Reduces risk of skin cancer
- Reducse risk of coronary heart disease
- Reduces risk of type 2 diabetes
- Reduces risk of Parkinson's Disease
- Reduces risk of stroke
- Reduces risk of liver cancer
- Reduces risk of dementia
- Reduces risk of breast cancer
- Reduces risk of prostate cancer
- Reduces risk of head and neck cancer
- Improves Brain Function
- May protect against deteriorating eyesight and even blindness
- Reduces risk of tinnitus
- Reduces risk of endometrial cancer
- Improves physical performance
- Contains vitamins B2, B3, and B5, as well as Riboflavin, Pantothenic Acid, Manganese, Potassium, Magnesium and Niacin
- Reduces risk of depression and suicide
- Reduces risk of colorectal cancer
apr 11 2015 ∞ apr 11 2015 +
- Time is a blind guide. Fugitive Pieces/Anne Michaels
- The telephone bell was ringing wildly, but without result, since there was no-one in the room but the corpse. War in Heaven/Charles Williams
- Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Anna Karenina/Leo Tolstoy
- Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show. David Copperfield/Charles Dickens
- It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, ...
jul 21 2013 ∞ nov 12 2018 +
- 66 books
- The Holiness of God, R.C. Sproul
- Nearing Home, Billy Graham
- Far Above Rubies, George MacDonald
- The Best of Me, Nicholas Sparks
- The Bourne Deception, Eric Van Lustbader
- Ten Questions to Diagnose Your Spiritual Health, Donald Whitney
- March Violets, Philip Kerr
- The Pale Criminal, Philip Kerr
- A German Requiem, Philip Kerr
- In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts, Gabor Mate
- The One From the Other, Philip Kerr
- Fatherland, Robert Harris
- Death Comes to Pemberley, P.D. James
- A Quiet Flame, Philip Kerr
- If the Dead Rise Not, Philip Kerr
- Field Gray, Philip Kerr
- A New Testament Biblical Theology, G.K. Beale
jan 1 2012 ∞ dec 22 2012 +
mar 17 2012 ∞ mar 17 2012 +
mar 17 2012 ∞ mar 17 2012 +
- judging and criticizing people
- wishing things were other than they are
- living in the future
- living in the past
- entertaining negative thoughts
- worrying about money
- looking to things outside of myself to make me happy
- getting frustrated because I have to change my plans
- always having to win
- being too sensitive to criticism
- predicting bad days for myself
- telling myself that I'm almost at my limit
- living with frustration
- thinking "survival"
- telling myself how limited my time is
- being dragged along by life
- letting myself be drained by the thought of my responsibilities
dec 24 2009 ∞ dec 25 2009 +
- Roger Federer
- John Nash
- Glenn Gould
- Alexander Soltzhenitsyn
- Alvin Plantinga
- Cornelius Van Til
- Greg Bahnsen
- Annie Dillard
- Philip Yancey
- Sheldon and Davy Vanauken
- C.S. Lewis
- Paul the Apostle
- Kay Redfield Jamison
dec 19 2009 ∞ mar 22 2022 +
- Queen Alexandria Public School, Belleville, Ontario
- Sir Winston Churchill Public School, Belleville, Ontario
- Harry J. Clarke Public School, Belleville, Ontario
- Moira Secondary School, Belleville, Ontario
- University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario - Biochemistry, 2 years
- Ontario Bible College (Tyndale College), Toronto, Ontario - Bachelor of Theology degree
- Ontario Theological Seminary, Toronto, Ontario - 1 year of study
- Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Master of Arts in Religion degree
- Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Master of Theology degree
dec 19 2009 ∞ oct 23 2011 +
- 33 Books
- America's Philosopher, John Locke in American Intellectual Life, Claire Rydell Arcenas
- The Divine Revelation, Paul Helm
- Freedom of the Will, Jonathan Edwards
- Commentary on Aristotle's Metaphysics, Books 1-6, Thomas Aquinas
- Habits of the Mind, James Sire
- The Gospel and the Mind, Bradley Green
- Thinking Without a Banister, Hannah Arendt
- The Development of Ethics, Vol. III, Terence Irwin
- Epistemology, W. Jay Wood
- The Goldilocks Enigma, Paul Davies
- Love Your God With All Your Mind, J.P. Moreland
- Centuries, Thomas Traherne
- Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks, Nietzsche
jan 1 2025 ∞ mar 23 2025 +
- 150 Books
- The Women Are Up To Something, Benjamin J.B. Lipscomb
- The Self and Its Brain, Karl Popper & John Eccles
- The Atlas, William T. Vollmann
- Euthyphro, Plato
- The Pleasure of the Text, Roland Barthes
- The Apology, Plato
- Zarathustra, Nietzsche
- Crito, Plato
- God as the Mystery of the World, Eberhard Jungel
- Phaedo, Plato
- Basic Writings of Existentialism, ed. Gordon Marino
- The Given Day, Dennis Lehane
- Unended Quest, Karl Popper
- Psalms, Vol. 2, James Montgomery Boice
- Theaetetus, Plato
- Reading Barth with Charity, George Hunsin...
jan 1 2022 ∞ dec 27 2022 +
- 2016 - 25
- 2017 - 14
- 2018 - 9
- 2019 - 0
sep 29 2017 ∞ may 16 2020 +
- 119 Books
- Gilead, Marilynne Robinson
- The Drop, Michael Connelly
- To End All Wars, Adam Hochschild
- The Luminaries, Eleanor Catton
- City of Bones, Michael Connelly
- Divisadero, Michael Ondaatje
- Rise of Isis, Jay Sekulow
- Canadians with Custer, Mary Thomas
- The Cardinal of the Kremlin, Tom Clancy
- The Stone Diaries, Carol Shields
- The Teeth of the Tiger, Tom Clancy
- Rough Country, John Sandford
- Do Not Sell at Any Price, Amanda Petrusich
- Kane and Abel, Jeffrey Archer
- The Birth of Classical Europe, Simon Price and Peter Thonemann
- Burning Angel, James Lee Burke
- Only Time Will Tell, Jeffrey Archer
- Sawbones, Stuart MacBride
dec 30 2014 ∞ dec 30 2015 +
- 4 July
- 18 September
- 20 September
- 22 September
- 23 September
- 24 September
- 25 September
- 12 October
dec 30 2014 ∞ oct 12 2015 +
- 156 Books
- The Goldfinch, Donna Tartt
- What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Qur'an, James R. White
- The Accursed, Joyce Carol Oates
- Christian Philosophy: A Systematic and Narrative Introduction, Craig Bartholomew and Michael Goheen
- Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte
- The Prophet, Michael Koryta
- Mastering Genealogical Proof, Thomas W. Jones
- Grace, Millie Morton
- Let It Come Down, Paul Bowles
- The Theology of B.B. Warfield, Fred G. Zaspel
- A Case for Amillenialism: Understanding the End Times, Kim Riddlebarger
- Trail to North Star Gold, Ella Lung Martinsen
- Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science, ...
jan 1 2014 ∞ jan 1 2015 +
- Miller
- Atrill
- House
- Tuffin
- Blake
- Grigsby
- Darch
- Dracup
- Cook
- Watson
- McMillan
- Vandervoort
- Snarr
- McLean
- Crosbie
- Hogle
- Craig
- Drewry
- Hyndman
- Milloy
- Acker
jul 21 2013 ∞ sep 25 2013 +
- 53 books
- The Edge of Evolution, Michael Behe
- Changing My Mind, Margaret Trudeau
- Adult Children of Alcoholics, McMaster Courseware
- Of The Mortification of Sin in Believers, John Owen
- Of Temptation, John Owen
- On the Nature of Sin etc., John Owen
- John Brown of Haddington, Robert MacKenzie
- The Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, Roland Bainton
- Reformed Dogmatics Vol. I, Prolegomena, Herman Bavinck
- The Bible, NIV
- Jonathan Edwards, Iain Murray
- The Real Scandal of the Evangelical Mind, Carl Trueman
- The Rainbow Trail, Zane Grey
- Summer, Edith Wharton
jan 4 2011 ∞ jul 23 2012 +
- 44 books
- The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway
- The Consequences of Ideas, R.C. Sproul
- The Englishman's Boy, Guy Vanderhaeghe
- Discourse on Method, Rene Descartes
- Macbeth, William Shakespeare
- Navigations, Ted Kerasote
- Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte
- Authentic Happiness, Martin Seligman
- Addictions:A Banquet in the Grave, Ed Welch
- Van Til's Apologetic, Greg Bahnsen
- Christ our Mediator, C.J. Mahaney
- Einstein:The Life and Times, Ronald W. Clark
- When Panic Attacks, David Burns
- People of the Century, Time/CBS News
- Son of the Morning Star, Evan Connell
- Custer Battlefield, Official National Park Handbook
dec 19 2009 ∞ jul 23 2012 +
dec 19 2009 ∞ dec 19 2009 +
- Classical Guitar
- Chess
- Watching Tennis
- Theology
- Philosophy
- Odonates
- Fungi
- Birds
- Nature
- Apologetics
- Family History
dec 19 2009 ∞ jul 21 2013 +
- Waltz in E minor - Carulli
- Julio Sagreras - 3 studies
- Julio Sagreras - Maria Luisa
- Francesco Tarrega - Lagrima
- Francesco Tarrega - Grand Waltz
- Francesco Tarrega - Study in E Minor
- Fernando Sor - Study #2, #5, #6 (Segovia collection)
- Fernando Sor - Study 17 in E Minor (Segovia)
- Matteo Carcassi - Study #3
- Napoleon Coste - Moderato
- J.S. Bach - Bouree, Lute Suite #1
- J.S. Bach - Prelude BWV 999
- Anonymous - Spanish Romance
- Abel Fluery - Milongueo Del Ayer
- Jorge Cardoso - Milonga
- J.K. Mertz - Nocturne II
- Gaspar Sanz - Canarios
- Augustin Barrios - Preludio, La Catedral
dec 19 2009 ∞ feb 7 2010 +
- The Goldberg Variations, Glenn Gould
- Requiem, Mozart
- Tempest, Moonlight, Appasionato, Pathetique Sonatas, Beethoven
- Piano Concerto #21, Mozart
- Brandenburgs, Bach
- K545, Mozart
dec 19 2009 ∞ dec 26 2009 +
- 84 days
- 18 March
- 20 March
- 21 March (picnic)
- 20 April
- 2 May
- 4 May
- 7 May
- 9 May
- 11 May
- 12 May
- 15 May
- 16 May
- 19 May (picnic)
- 21 May
- 22 May
- 23 May (picnic)
- 24 May (picnic)
- 25 May (picnic)
- 26 May (picnic)
- 6 June
mar 20 2012 ∞ oct 26 2012 +