US Gift-givers:
- Alltoohuman- plastic grocery bags, votives, books on writing
- CanticleLost- Tis/Teacher man, surprise me
- ChubsieWhubsie- Bookmarks, signed book, bubblegum
- BSLiv1219- Anansi Boys, The Dark Tower Book 7
- DoveiLibri- BC Labels, black licorice, coffee, sports, bond
- gecko4ever- black picture frames- all shapes & sizes
- hennagoddess- The Thirteenth Tale, Long Way Down (Ewan), rubber stamps, tea
- HeresDeb
- Jenkazoo- wings
- jennannej- postcard, BC labels, mix CD
- judygreeneyes- The Robber Bride, sci-fi/fantasy books, vegetarian recipe, bookmarks from other countries
- Kmeind- school/school bus stuff
- kz4ufo- postcards, homemade goodies, horse items
- Lilyanna
- MBsAngel
- MyssCyn- wings for someone else, Star Trek books on CD
- Nine-Mile- pineapple, BC labels, Watership Down, A Clockwork Orange, Sphere, Lord of the Flies, Crime and Punishment
- Ninkasi- bookmarks, postcards, BC labels
- nuttyreader- peace on Earth
- pzarks- BC labels/stickers, kitty toys, peanut butter M&Ms
- siriradha- Sharpies,
- Shann24Lvr- sponsor for marathon, bookmarks
- southernfryed- BC labels, unused postcards for soldiers
- sweetsangria
- Tblack44
- tempestsans-
- whiskeyjane- BC labels
People who have given me something:
- bestfriends- children's books, surprise
Other people whose wishes I've filled:
- ✔ rubyrebel- signed guest map
- ✔ siriradha-
- Genielady & Eeyore75- tea, Eeyore, labels, hand/finger puppets