Dolls Code

  • Author: Kinashi Runamu 
  • Genre: Seinen; Drama; Psychological; Supernatural; Mystery
  • Rating: 12+
  • Summary:
      • The 7 teenagers who committed crimes had their body parts related to the crime they committed taken away and was sent to a school with a locked room. To return to their normal lives, they have to continuously take the examination and graduate as the first in class within one week, or else
  • Review:
      • I absolutely love this, it's a fast read but not a light one, it's very emotional, I can't give it a proper review without spoiling the plot (even though it IS very obvious from the beginning, which just makes it more painful), but really, incredibly worthy reading.
  • Triggers:
    • Violence
    • Abuser in the main cast

Observation: Ratings subjectively chosen by me because I really don't think younger folks should be reading some of these, I know a lot of us have strong minds but there are still some who do not and I'd rather a 14 y/o who could handle not reading than a 17 y/o that could have a hard time with it reading)

feb 7 2022 ∞
feb 7 2022 +