Can't decide if all of these will happen, but I should write these down for the plot before I forget. This is not an allegory for maturing haha what are you talking abouuuuttttt.

  • Lee & Ricky are totally in denial, which you'd think they'd notice considering Ricky died dead fatally
  • Max moved on (good for him) but Ricky decided (kind of?) to come back to life (-ish) and uproot that (unintentionally tho duh)

Okay now the actual plot concepts based on that

  • I've been playing with ideas that Lee might do some Frankenstein-esque stuff in a desperate attempt to make Ricky fully alive but idk
  • >Like, she'd have to be REALLLLY really desperate to do that but I think it makes an awesome idea. Worst case I can reduce reuse recycle that
  • Max would probably do that thing where you take like every single picture you have of the dead person you know and you go "yeah, I need to blame myslef right now" (somebody on his school computer is projecting really hard onto his little goobie-woobies)
  • Ricky would do the opposite of that, bro does not want to exist at alll. Thinks it's better if he wasn't there (dum dum who's getting way to relatable)

Again, this is TOTALLLLYYY 1000000% NOT about grieving. (<--Sarcastic)

feb 17 2024 ∞
jun 1 2024 +