lydia's listography
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(for pets)
Luíza Benamor
sunday girl
emma marie
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sign up
(bucket list)
adopt a bab.
adopt a dog
adopt a retired racing dog from greyhound rescue, inc
ask a stranger for a ride on their motorcycle.
ask taylor swift who her songs are about.
attach a lock to a love bridge.
attend a 1D concert
attend a concert.
attend a foo fighters concert
attend a gay wedding.
attend a john mayer concert
attend a justin bieber concert
with bff
attend a masquerade
attend a motley crue concet
attend to the final tour ↖
attend a new years party.
attend a noel gallagher concert
attend a pearl jam concert
attend a pool party.
attend a rave.
attend a wedding.
attend gay pride.
attend to a queen concert
attend to a sixx:am concert
autograph something.
backpack through Europe
backpack through South America
bake a cake.
bake a chocolate cake from scratch.
bake a perfect batch of cookies.
bake a perfect pie crust.
bake a perfect rainbow
bake a pie from scratch.
bake brownies and eat as much as i want without feeling bad.
bake perfect christmas cookies.
be a bridesmaid.
be a healthy weight.
be a homeowner.
be a surrogate mother for a gay couple.
be a tattooed bride.
be able to do a one handed push-up.
be able to do a proper push-up.
be able to do make-up well.
be able to run a mile easily.
be able to walk well in high heels.
be as white as dita von teese.
be confident enough to wear a bikini.
be genuinely happy.
be given a car as a present.
be given a puppy as a present.
be happy.
be heavily tattooed.
be in two places at once.
be kissed unexpectedly.
be on a billboard in times square.
be on t.v.
be part of a flash mob
be present during a birth.
be retweeted by someone famous.
be somebody’s secret santa.
be the change i wish to see in the world.
be the maid of honor in a wedding.
be the reason someone believes being in love is possible.
become a vegetarian.
become an inspiration. (according to we heart it, i am)
become famous.
believe again.
breathe in helium.
build a gingerbread house.
build a snow fort.
build a snowman with my best friend.
build a treehouse.
build an igloo.
build my own computer.
build something at build-a-bear.
bungee jump.
buy a chanel red lipstick.
buy a homeless person a full meal.
buy a legalize gay shirt.
buy a nice house for my parents.
buy a pair of white shoes and doodle on them.
buy a stay positive hoodie.
buy a to write love on her arms shirt.
buy all of the gumballs out of a machine.
buy my first home.
buy something really expensive and destroy it.
camp on the beach.
camp out in a tropical rainforest.
carve something into a tree together.
catch a bride’s bouquet.
catch a falling star.
catch a firefly.
catch a guitar pick at a concert.
catch a jar of lightning bugs.
catch a squirrel.
celebrate hanukkah.
celebrate mardi gras in new orleans.
celebrate my 100th birthday.
celebrate st. patrick’s day in ireland.
change my name.
change someone’s life.
change the world.
chase tornadoes.
chop down my own christmas tree.
cliff jump.
climb a tree.
climb a volcano.
climb a water tower.
climb mount everest.
climb the steps of the mayan ruins.
complete a journal (the black and yellow one is complete)
complete whole30.
conquer my fears.
convince someone to write their own bucket list.
cook thanksgiving dinner.
cook with david burtka.
cover my bedroom walls with pictures.
create an ice cream flavor.
create my own perfume.
crowd surf.
cry at the grave of someone i never knew.
cuddle under the stars.
dance in the rain.
dance under the eiffel tower.
dance under the stars.
date a boy in a band.
date a british boy.
date a celebrity.
date a drummer.
date a tattoo artist.
decorate my house with tons of christmas lights.
design my own converse.
design my own dream house.
design my own mug.
design my own tattoo.
develop a british accent.
die in Van Nuys
direct a film.
dive into a pool of chocolate.
do a no h8 photoshoot.
do something stupid and break a bone.
do something wild with my hair.
donate a large amount of money to cancer research.
donate blood.
dress up as santa for my children.
drive down route 66.
drive on death road in bolivia.
drive the atlantic ocean road.
drop a water balloon off of a tall building.
dye my hair the opposite of what it is now without warning anyone.
eat a cannoli in italy.
eat a crepe in france.
eat a croissant at a bakery in paris.
eat a whole jar of nutella.
eat a whole roll of hubba bubba gum at one time.
eat an entire pizza by myself.
eat and not feel guilty.
eat at a japanese buffet.
eat at alice of magic world.
eat at gray’s papaya.
eat healthier.
eat only bacon for an entire day.
eat only fruit for an entire month.
eat only popcorn for an entire day.
eat what i want without gaining weight.
experience “paradise”.
experience christmas in new york.
experience new years in paris.
experience zero gravity.
explore india.
explore the grand canyon.
fall down a rabbit hole.
fall in love with my best friend.
feed a giraffe.
feed a kangaroo.
feed a koala.
feel beautiful.
feel breathless after a kiss.
fill up a juicy couture charm bracelet.
find a four leaf clover.
find a snow owl.
find and go on the largest rollercoaster in the world.
find hogwarts.
find nemo.
find out who stole the cookie from the cookie jar.
find out why a raven is like a writing desk.
find p. sherman 42 wallaby way, sydney.
find shapes in the clouds with someone i love.
find the end of a rainbow.
find waldo.
finish an entire eraser.
fly a plane.
fly over the nazca lines.
gamble in vegas.
get a tattoo.
get a matching tattoo with my best friend.
get a matching tattoo with my mom.
get a neck tattoo.
get a petit prince tattoo.
get a small tattoo that means a lot.
get a spray tan.
get a tattoo before i turn 18.
get a tattoo in memory of someone.
get a tattoo my dad would approve of.
get a white ink tattoo.
get an alice in wonderland tattoo.
get sixx's autograph tattooed.
get drunk.
get high.
get in a taxi and yell “follow that car!”.
get my braces off.
get my hands tattooed.
get my license.
get my nipple pierced.
get my soldier back safely.
get my tongue pierced.
get out of my town.
get over my fear of heights.
get snakebites.
get tattooed by kat von d.
get through a long distance relationship.
get through the holidays happily.
get tickets to the ellen degeneres show.
give a homeless person a christmas present.
give a random person on the street
give a surprise gift that makes someone’s day.
give more than i receive.
give my parents the honeymoon they never had.
give people a reason to remember my name.
go a week without using my phone.
go an entire day without using any technology.
go beach hopping.
go blonde (half)
go camping.
go clubbing.
go deep sea diving.
go for a run in central park.
go home wasted.
go in a ufo.
go into an airport and buy tickets for a random flight.
go mountain biking.
go on a carnival date.
go on a cruise.
go on a road trip from new york to california.
go on a road trip to canada.
go on a road trip to disneyland.
go on a road trip.
go on a safari.
go on a trick-or-treating date.
go on a world cruise.
go on an african safari.
go on an aquarium date.
go on warped tour.
go see the vow with someone i love.
go to a coldplay concert.
go to a fourth of july beach festival.
go to a tattoo convention.
go to a taylor swift concert.
go to a tumblr meetup.
go to a victoria’s secret fashion show.
go to a water park.
go to bahia.
go to brazil.
go to lollapalooza.
go to new york fashion week.
go to rock in rio.
go to the moon.
go to times square.
go to universal studios.
go to vegas with my best friends.
hang a dreamcatcher over my bed.
have a barbie themed birthday party.
have a best friend who will never let me down.
have a big family.
have a birthday party in las vegas.
have a book i’ve written made into a movie.
have a flat stomach.
have a high school sweetheart.
have a home with a spiral staircase.
have a longer marriage than kim kardashian did.
have a pajama party.
have a song dedicated to me.
have a tim burton themed wedding.
have a valentine on valentine’s day.
have a wardrobe i actually like.
have my 11:11 wish come true.
have skinny legs.
have someone win me a giant stuffed animal.
have the courage to hold her hand in public.
have the courage to put one of my songs on youtube.
have the courage to swim in the ocean.
have the perfect itunes library.
have twins.
hit someone over the head with a frying pan.
hold up a free hugs sign.
host a halloween party.
host a holiday party.
host a lemonade stand.
hug a penguin.
hug mickey mouse.
interact with an orca.
invent my own candy.
invite someone without a family to my family’s holiday dinner.
join the army.
join the marine corps.
jump in a pool fully clothed.
jump off a waterfall.
jump off of a bridge.
kiss a boy with a beard.
kiss a boy.
kiss a dolphin.
kiss a ginger.
kiss a girl.
kiss a stranger.
kiss at the top of a ferris wheel.
kiss at the top of the empire state building.
kiss in the rain.
kiss someone at midnight on new years.
kiss someone at the top of the eiffel tower.
kiss someone famous.
kiss someone who has their tongue pierced.
kiss someone with a split tongue.
kiss underwater.
know the alphabet backwards.
know the name and location of every country in the world.
lay down in a field of daisies.
lay in the road in the middle of the night.
learn chinese.
learn fluent french.
learn fluent german.
learn how to drive.
learn how to make sushi.
learn how to play chess.
learn how to play guitar.
learn how to play piano.
learn how to play poker.
learn how to play violin.
learn how to surf.
learn how to use chopsticks.
leave my mark on the world.
leave this town.
let a snowflake land on my tongue.
let my hair get really long.
let my nails grow.
live in the usa.
live past december 21, 2012.
live right by the beach.
look good in skinny jeans.
love my dog unconditionally the way he loves me.
make “fetch” happen.
make a burn book
make a kiss list.
make a perfect omelet.
make a rainbow cake.
make a snow angel.
make an important decision with a coin toss.
make christmas dinner for my entire family.
make gingerbread men.
make homemade ice cream.
make my best friend’s dreams come true.
make out with someone with pop rocks in my mouth.
make smores around a fire.
meet adriana lima.
meet dave grohl
meet demi lovato.
meet emma stone.
meet emma watson.
meet evanna lynch.
meet hilary duff.
meet hugh laurie.
meet ian somerhalder.
meet j.k. rowling.
meet jessie j.
meet john mayer.
meet kat von d.
meet katy perry.
meet mary-kate and ashley olsen.
meet mcfly.
meet mila kunis.
meet miley cyrus.
meet miranda cosgrove.
meet miranda kerr.
meet my idol.
meet my online friends.
meet my tumblr friends.
meet neil patrick harris.
meet nikki sixx.
meet nina dobrev.
meet olivia wilde.
meet one direction.
meet russell brand.
meet the maine.
meet the pretty little liars cast.
meet the twilight cast.
meet the vampire diaries cast.
memorize all of nicki minaj’s raps.
memorize the lyrics to all of eminem’s music.
milk a cow.
model for victoria’s secret.
model in a fashion show.
model in a professional photoshoot.
move far away.
move to hollywood.
move to montana.
move to new york.
move to seattle.
name a star.
name my child after a disney character.
never take his furry muzzle, wet nose, and warm licks for granted.
open a bar with my best friend.
overcome my illness.
own a beach house.
own a birkin bag.
own a chocolate factory.
own a cool story bro sweatshirt.
own a dreamcatcher.
own a gibson guitar.
own a grand piano.
own a leica.
own a macbook.
own a marc jacobs bag.
own a mustang.
own a nice camera.
own a nikon.
own a pair of doc martens.
own a pair of jeffrey campbell shoes.
own a pair of superhero underwear.
own a pet snake.
own a polaroid camera.
own a rolex.
own a typewriter.
own a varsity jacket.
own an owl.
own every disney movie on dvd.
own something from philosophy.
paint a mural.
paint my front door pink.
paint roses red.
participate in a gay pride parade.
party all night without stopping for sleep.
party in ibiza.
party in las vegas.
pay for a stranger’s groceries.
pee in every ocean.
personally thank a 9/11 firefighter.
pet a fox.
pet a giraffe.
pet a kangaroo.
pet a panda.
pet a polar bear.
pet a red panda.
pet a snow leopard.
pet a tiger.
pet a wombat.
pet a zebra.
put a piece of gum on the gum wall in seattle.
put mentos in diet coke.
put up christmas lights in my bedroom.
rap like nicki minaj.
reach my goal weight.
read 365 books in one year.
read a book backwards.
read all of the harry potter books.
read an 8th harry potter book.
read every c.s. lewis novel.
read the twilight saga.
receive 365 letters, one every day for a year.
receive a dozen red roses.
receive a promise ring.
record a song in a studio.
redesign my bedroom.
rescue a puppy.
return home for the holidays.
ride a dolphin.
ride a roller coaster
ride an elephant in india.
ride an elephant.
rock climb.
roll in money.
run a marathon.
run from the law.
run with a cheetah.
save a life.
save up
scuba dive.
see a blue whale.
see a broadway play.
see a capybara.
see a colorado sunrise.
see a golden tiger.
see a great white shark.
see a lantern festival.
see a mermaid.
see a moose in the wild.
see a narwhal.
see a pack of wolves.
see a platypus up close.
see a polar bear.
see a shooting star.
see a tornado.
see a white tiger up close.
see devil’s kettle falls.
see gay marriage legalized everywhere.
see katy perry perform.
see lady gaga in concert.
see my hip bones.
see snow.
see stonehenge.
see the alice in wonderland statue in central park.
see the baltimore orioles win the world series.
see the chicago bears win the super bowl.
see the chicago cubs win a world series.
see the chocolate hills.
see the cliffs of moher.
see the eiffel tower.
see the golden gate bridge.
see the grand canyon.
see the great pyramid of giza.
see the great pyramids.
see the iguazu falls.
see the milky way.
see the northern lights.
see the rolling stones in concert.
see the statue of liberty.
see the sydney opera house.
see the tampa bay rays win the world series.
see the world.
send a letter to a random address and see if they write back.
send a letter via owl.
send a message in a bottle.
send a present to a soldier.
set foot on all 7 continents.
set foot on the moon.
set up and decorate a christmas tree.
shake a soldier’s hand.
share an ice cream with someone special.
shave my head for someone with cancer.
shear a sheep.
shoot a gun.
shop in new york city.
shop on black friday.
sing in the rain.
sit on top of the hollywood sign.
sleep under the stars.
smash a guitar.
smash open my piggy bank when it gets full.
solve a murder.
solve a rubik’s cube.
spend a day holding up a free hugs sign in a big city.
spend a day with elephants.
spend a holiday somewhere exotic.
spend a summer getting really tan.
spend a whole day sleeping.
spend an entire day eating junk food without feeling bad.
spend an entire day watching disney movies.
spend christmas at disney world.
spend christmas in london.
spend new years in times square.
spend the night at an aquarium.
spend the night in a haunted mansion.
spend time volunteering in africa.
stand on top of a mountain.
stand under the hollywood sign.
stand with one foot on one side of the equator and one on the other side.
start a diary and write in it every day.
start eating breakfast everyday.
start running every day.
start smiling more.
stay in cinderella’s castle.
stay up all night on christmas eve.
steal the declaration of independence.
stomp in a bucket of grapes and make wine.
stop being “just friends”.
stop biting my nails.
stop caring about what anyone thinks.
stop hurting myself for good.
surf and snowboard in the same day.
survive high school.
swim in every ocean.
swim in the dead sea.
swim in the pacific ocean.
swim with dolphins.
swim with sharks.
take a homeless person out to dinner.
take a tour of the white house.
take ballet lessons.
take cute kissing pictures in a photobooth.
take my mom on the vacation of her dreams.
take polaroid pictures with the one i love.
tattoo my scars.
throw a drink in someone’s face.
throw a party like the one in project x.
throw a pizza through the air like a frisbee.
throw a pool party.
throw someone a surprise party (11/11/2014)
throw the first pitch at a mlb game.
tie dye a shirt.
tie messagse to balloons and let them go.
time travel.
tip a cow.
touch a glacier.
touch an iceberg.
touch an orca.
touch siva kaneswaran’s cheekbones.
trade ipods with someone for a day.
travel alone.
travel around the world with someone i love.
travel the world without a destination, going wherever the roads take me.
travel the world.
travel to all of the places i’ve always wanted to go.
travel to belize.
travel to el salvador.
travel to wales.
trick-or-treat at a celebrity’s house.
try every flavor of pop-tarts.
try every kind of cereal.
try every kind of pringles.
try sushi.
try yoga.
tweet 10,000 times.
use a fake name at starbucks.
use a ouija board.
visit abbey road and recreate the beatles cover.
visit abbey road and recreate the beatles cover.
visit amsterdam.
visit auschwitz.
visit belgium.
visit berlin.
visit disneyland.
visit japan.
visit new zealand.
visit palm springs.
visit paris.
visit pixar studios.
visit rio de janeiro during carnival.
visit rio de janeiro.
visit strawberry fields in central park.
visit the great wall of china.
visit the hershey’s chocolate factory in pennsylvania.
visit the louvre.
visit the national museum of natural history.
visit the palace of versailles.
visit the parthenon.
visit the santa monica pier.
visit the walk of fame.
visit the wizarding world of harry potter.
visit the world’s largest aquarium.
visit tibet.
visit vancouver.
volunteer at an animal shelter.
wake up in vegas.
walk on the great wall of china.
walk on the moon.
walk through central park in the snow.
watch a flash mob.
watch a meteor shower.
watch a volcano erupt.
watch all of the harry potter movies in one day.
watch baby turtles hatch.
watch fireworks while swimming in the ocean.
watch the ball drop in times square.
watch the sunrise at the beach.
watch the sunset at the beach.
work at a haunted house.
work at barnes & noble.
work at disneyland.
work at rock in rio.
work at victoria’s secret.
work for national geographic.
work for rolling stone magazine.
work for the suicide hotline.
work in a tattoo parlor.
work with to write love on her arms.
work with wild animals.
write a book.
write a letter to a serial killer.
write a letter to myself and open it in 10 years.
write a love letter.
write a song.
write an article for a well-known fashion magazine.
write an article for the new york times.
write on the before i die wall in new orleans.
write something in wet cement.
may 19 2013 ∞
sep 24 2015 +