• poems that rhyme
  • wasting time
  • when i have no motivation to write
  • when people peek over my shoulder to see what's on my computer screen/ipod screen
  • when people underestimate my capabilities
  • when people read my writing out loud for purposes other than to critique it
  • when i get stiff neck
  • having to socialize with strangers who are my age
  • my arms that get muscular way too easily and dont look nice in sleeveless things
  • my broad shoulders
  • my square jawline
  • sweating when my hair is still wet from the shower
  • light sleeping
  • going running without music
  • sexist jokes and people, mostly cis straight men, who actually think they're being funny
  • when men tell me how i should conduct myself ("don't wear makeup bc it makes u look like too much" "i think you'd be prettier if you smiled more" "the guy always has to go to you, it can't be the other way around" haha how about i punch you in the face)
  • slut-shaming esp in the ph ("did u see so-and-so out with her guy friends?? and they were laughing?? so malandi smh" like yEAH COOL I'LL ALSO SUCK THEM OFF TOO HOW ABOUT THAT I'M A HOE ANYWAY RIGHT)
  • when people try to imitate a language (ex. "ching chong chong ching isnt that what kpop sounds like?" "allah akbar")
  • "why do u like kpop? you don't even understand them??" "why do u like kpop? the guys look so gay w/ their eyeliner?"
  • talkative people who only talk about themselves (not even their interests like a movie they saw or a book they read, just themselves and their friends) for literal hours
  • putting on socks without showering
  • guy: does anything remotely feminine
    • dad: look at this faggot GO
  • my dad when i contradict any of his views about LGBT rights or misogynist culture: trust me, i know better than you about anything bc i'm older
  • mom: is elitist as hell, complains all the time, blames it on her """conservative upbringing"""
    • also mom: no we cant buy you mcdo!! it's a waste of money that we don't have!!
  • me: gives advice supported by extensive research and countless experiences
    • person: but this other person said--
  • the fact that all of the family members i care about are in the states and i havent seen them in person for 8 years
  • when i sweat while wearing perfume and end up smelling like a rotten corpse instead of a freshly showered babe
  • losing the patience to finish a book and leaving it half-read forever
jun 5 2016 ∞
oct 21 2020 +