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➳♡ You were basically my first love, if it wasn't for you I probably wouldn't be talking about anyone here, sometimes I question myself how my life would be if you hadn't entered in it, but then I realise that this could never be posible, is so easy to fall in love with you, you are my favorite kind of person, the kind that isn't afraid to say what think, the truth prevail always, you are always so sincere(even if its not necessarily necessary lmao) your heart determine how you will act, my favorite thing about you is that you know you are so powerful. Your young age doesn't interfere with how you handle things, you are one of the most beautiful girls I've already know, I love your hilarious and loud laugh, how you are the personification of the meme *me: is tiny / me:(ง'̀-'́)ง* (CAN RELATE) and you bully your unnies all the time, and your voice, I wish you could sing more so everyone could listen this beautiful free sample of heaven, I'm so happy that even with the difficulties, your parents not supporting you and the unnecessary hate, you never gave up of your dreams, and even being older than you, you are such an inspiration to me, so, promise me, you'll never stop, just forget everything, inside your heart when this turns to war the dreamer inside will save you my precious little girl, I promise I'll always love and protect you.♡

sep 22 2017 ∞
feb 16 2018 +