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+ most of these are from years ago so some won't have descriptions and some I probably wouldn't like if I read again
☆'s are all time faves


napollya/napkin fic rec ____________________________________________________________________________________

Warnings: attempted sexual assault from oc, torture, + bad title, good fic. a five times and one time trope fic but it's about missions going right and wrong.

warnings: sexual assault (of original character), the usual violence + this was interesting and quite short the author's take on some of illya's past

Warnings: Animal Death, graphic torture, sad + deals with getting older and illya's love of dogs. i die

warnings: graphic death, torture maybe, + really good really good i love illya and the mentions of the watch were funny

warnings: torture since its the chair scene + could be read as gen, short fic showing concerned and uncomfortable illya when napoleon shows he's hurt more than he thought after the scene

Warnings: Attempted r/pe by oc, angst and stubborn illya, + basically illya and napoleon keep getting hurt and illya slowly becoming aware of his feelings towards napoleon . good.

warnings: slight mutilation mention + napoleon gets injured with acid and has to get used to living without using his looks to get the job done. LONG fic, REALLy FUCKIN GOOD. (tv show verse, dont need to have watched to read just know the differences of movie/tv personalities) really good first napollya fic i ever read still my favourite i love the simple way napoleon comes to depend on and fall in love with illya

warnings: / + relatively short only 5k words i dont usually read short fics but the summary looked interesting. it was okay

Warnings: torture , bad stuff, graphic death scenes maybe? + fuck. basically this is focused around illya coming to terms with his feelings for napoleon. really quite angsty but really beautifully written there are quite a few lines where i just admired how they were put together. tv show verse, shouldnt be a problem if u havent watched if you know the differences between tv/movie characters and some of the basics. good ending and a really good read.

Warnings: possible dub con situation, almost attempted r/pe (by oc), some homophobic slurs and language, + this was pretty fricken good. idk how to describe it so here's the official summary: "Illya watches Solo work and sees something he was never supposed to see. And then that work follows them all home."

nov 19 2015 ∞
feb 4 2018 +