I might just leave this list with a few and then leave an opened doc as it grows

  • caprisun

pacific cooler was the flavor you brought me It turned out it was my favorite, but I don’t know if it’s because I like the flavor or if it was simply because it from you, I didn’t even think you paid that much attention.

  • mazda

you got your first car a few weeks ago, though you’ve held your license for a year before me. You picked me up the second the keys passed into your hands, god that was the best drive we ever had. You’re not around much, like I wish you were, i sometimes wear the hoodie you over wore. On the Fourth of July we didn’t celebrate independence, Instead we drove around and talked about types of asendence. we pulled up near the cemetery, hushed seductive murmuring Over your speakers, I listened to your bitching about your parents. You listened to mine too. But my god, I wanted to kiss you. Those fireworks over head weren’t just there for show, I felt them. From me, to you.

jul 5 2022 ∞
aug 10 2022 +