• "the amorphous fictional spaces of ursula k. le guin," gabrielle bellot link
  • "the popular tradition of science fiction criticism, 1926-1980," westfahl (.pdf)
  • "the fantastic ursula k. le guin," julie phillips link
  • "science fiction and empire," csicsery-ronay (.pdf)
  • "introduction: a history of social science fiction," gerlach, hamilton (.pdf)
  • "connections, links, and extended networks: patterns in octavia butler's science fiction," govan (.pdf)
  • "towards an aesthetic of science fiction," russ (.pdf)
  • "the forest as a metaphor for mind: 'the word for world is forest' and 'vaster than empires and more slow,'" watson (.pdf)
  • "ambiguity in utopia: 'the dispossessed,'" bierman (.pdf)
  • "public and private imperatives in le guin's novels," huntington (.pdf)
  • "the politics of le guin's opus," porter (.pdf)
  • "an approach to the structure of le guin's sf," nudelman, myers (.pdf)
  • "colonizing the universe: science fictions then, now, and in the (imagined) future," grewell (.pdf)
  • "american sf and the other," le guin (.pdf)
  • "what is sf? some thoughts on genre," rieder (.pdf)
  • "narrative logic, ideological domination, and the range of science fiction," suvin (.pdf)
  • "fascism and science fiction," santesso (.pdf)
  • "on the poetics of the science fiction genre," suvin (.pdf)
nov 7 2017 ∞
jan 1 2020 +