• Colors | 16 chapters | NC-17 | To Jongin, colors were more than an added layer to make a picture pretty. Colors were the very essence of a person's heart and Jongin was born able to see them. Except, he can't see the new student teacher's color, and he can't see his own. | Es un fic precioso | ♥♥♥
  • Violent Delight | 2 partes | NC-17 | The air stills as the downpour begins, the sky scratched with morbid purple and green streaks in the distance. In the horizon, the sea suddenly seems like a single wave coming together to swallow the world whole. | Pendiente de leer.
  • Something like quick-witted romance | PC | Luhan struggles to find purpose. He finds Jongin and protests. | Luhan está chalao de la cabeza | ♥♥


  • Like a Typhoon in Mid-Summer | 7 partes | NC-17 | A veces al destino le gustaba jugar sus cartas de manera caprichosa, uniendo dos vidas a partir de un suceso, alterándolas de manera inimaginable y creando algo inesperado. | Maravillosa historia | ♥♥♥
  • Los vientos del cambio | 4 partes | G | Yifan era un joven letrado con la aspiración de cambiar Joseon para hacer de él un mejor país, pero éste ya estaba cambiando de manera casi imperceptible ante una silenciosa amenaza. | Una ambientación impresionante | ♥♥♥



  • Adorable crueldad | 4 partes | R | Baekhyun nunca había sido precisamente desinteresado, pero estaba enamorado. Chanyeol no era una mala persona, pero era el ser con menos clemencia del universo entero. | Pendiente de leer



  • Run | 2 partes | NC-17 | Jongin ends up falling too hard and too fast. | Pendiente de leer
  • Gemini | Ongoing | NC-17 | Everybody knew the twins Xiao Lu and Xiao Han. The pretty, pretty twins. They live in their little world until Kai and Sehun invade. | Pendiente de leer
aug 27 2014 ∞
dec 10 2017 +