✘ ayo/muffin · 18 (13/02) · ♂ · UK · INFJ ✘

  • yo! i'm an extremely laidback person and i like making new friends a lot, so don't hesitate to shoot up a conversation about pretty much anything. on twitter i just like to talk about my interests or shitpost, usually both at the same time
  • my main hobbies outside of video games are playing the piano, music composition and programming, although i'm a lazy shit so i do these very sporadically. i also cook sometimes and so far i've managed not to burn my house down
  • i'm mostly into video game music because i'm a nerd but i listen to bits and pieces of other stuff, and i'm trying to develop a more rounded taste in music. i really like frank ocean
  • i want to go into game design once i'm done with school, preferably as an indie developer. i especially want the chance to compose a game soundtrack but i definitely need to work on my skills a lot before either of these things happen
jan 4 2017 ∞
apr 15 2017 +