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My name is Amanda. I'm 22 years old and live in Norway.

Run when you can, walk when you have to, crawl if you must, just never give up. ~Dean Karnazes

Make the least of all that goes and the most of all that comes. ~Sara Teasdale

Veni, vidi, vici
(I came, I saw, I conquered)

lisa travel (memorable locations)

Summer Job

  • Week 27 (Friday)
  • Week 28 (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
  • Week 29 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)
  • Week 30 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)


  • Read 3 books for Norwegian class
    • Før jeg dør (Before I Die) by Jenny Downham
    • Så lenge jeg lever (Ways to Live forever) by Sally Nicholls
    • Kvinne går til lege - mann går på by'n (Love Life) by Ray Kluun
  • Read (not school related)
    • Finish reading Spis, elsk, lev (Eat, Pray, Love) by Elizabeth Gilbert
    • Finish reading Living Dead in Dallas by Charlaine Harris
    • Start reading Forrest Gump by Winston Groom

Get my room organized:

  • Go through everything (tests, essays, and in general all the papers I have accumulated after 12 years of school).
    • Throw (recycle) what I don't need.
    • Keep and organize the rest.
  • Go through all my posessions (things, clothes etc).
    • Sell or donate what I don't need anymore
  • Go through all my CDs
    • Rip my CDs to my pc (the ones I want on my pc)
    • Give away, sell the CDs when that is done?
  • Go through my DVDs
    • Give away, sell the ones I don't want to keep
  • Go through my books (?)
    • Give away, sell or throw (recycle) the ones I don't want/need to keep (although I've already done this one time and got rid of many of my books, it doesn't hurt to do it one more time.
  • Go through the closet in my room that is used by the whole family to store shit we rarely/never use/need/want anymore.
    • Get rid of (almost) everything
  • Go through what I have of make-up etc
    • Throw old or unwanted stuff

Fun and various activities

  • Strömstad - Sandefjord ferry tour
  • Go to the beach as often as possible.
    • Be with friends and have fun
    • Swim, swim, swim
  • Girls night out/in with my friends
  • Mia's birthday
  • Maybe try yoga and meditation. Has anyone here tried it? Something you would recommend?
  • Relax
  • Doctor appointment
  • Go to my optician and get my glasses adjusted
    • Maybe get an appointment for a new eye examintaion so that I can try contacts.
  • Cancel e-mail subscriptions I don't want/need anymore
jul 4 2010 ∞
oct 30 2010 +